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The ONLY way to get rid of a gil seller.Follow

#1 Oct 21 2004 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
133 posts
Well after a couple of nights with conversations with GM's... there is only one way to get rid of a gil seller.

The "seller" has to come to you and ask you if you want to buy gil. Once this has happened call a GM and it is in the log and they can and will kick that person at that time. You can continue on talking to the gil seller to try and get more information about their operation but no matter what NEVER try to lead them on like you are going to buy gil. The GM will ban both of you because it looks like you want to buy gil now.

I had talked with a very nice GM (no I did not call him whining about the gil sellers) about what... if anything could ever be done. At first I said what if I have proof that a person is selling gil or works for a company that sell's gil, he replied any images of a conversation is not proof because they can be altered, so frap shots are no good. He then said that also if you ask the gil sellers about buying gil they can turn you in for harrassment and it also looks like you want to buy gil so you will be banned.

I asked him if anything was really being done about the gil sellers and he said it is a legal matter and that is all that could be said. Then I started to ask if there was anyone @ SE that I could contact or write to voice my concerns. I was pointed to a place on the help desk to write any concerns about the game. Waste of time... maybe but I will do it anyway.

What sucks really bad is that NO established company will come right out and say "Hi do you want to buy gil." The only ones that do are the small time guys trying to make a few dollars.
But get rid of them before they really start if you ever get the chance.

/start rant
On a side note, The 5 people that camp Stropers in Ordelles (Bheh, Choryo, Elliw, Ellynydd, Elsianie, Elsianie ... and sometimes a PLD is with them named Mayuro)work for someone that sells gil. They are "Professional" unlike us, or so Ellynydd told me. And yes they do use voke bots and they have some weird lag thing going on to were they could actually take a claim from you even after you had claimed it. (The real reason why I called a GM) It was really messed up I actually won the claim first... it was red to me, but with in 1/10th of a second after it all the sudden went Yellow then purple. Choryo the Taru that has the lag "problems" was the one that claimed it from me and then immediatly sent me a /tell Derival ^.^

Enraged with this we gathered up more troops and created a new LS against these Gil Sellers "Gil Seller Haters". That night was incredibly fun and totally pissed of these gil sellers... even though they were still getting the claim about have of the time (we had about 9-14 people to their 5). We did everything from charming one of the Stropers to massive trains. The trains really made it hard for them, actually they never won a claim with a train in the big room... and to make things even better it took about 5 trains to create a extremely huge train in Ordelles (about 50 Bats 10 or so goblins and a few other mobs). One of their voke bots grabbed a bat when we ran it by, they were swarmed and could not even move because of this and died.

No one was PK'ed... the bat's goblins and whatever else did not aggro anyone in the room. If the gil seller did not have their voke bot on, they would not have got any aggro. So yeah they killed their self. But I can happily say that they do not have a "named mob" bot or else the trains would not have helped out as much.

/end rant
#2 Oct 21 2004 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
1,701 posts
Unfortunately, messing with them is only going to cause the ones who aren't using these annoying tactics to do so, and possibly cause that group to start training on others in there. Instead of taking matters into their own hands, players really should continue to tell their concers to se (yeah one letter may not do it, but over time, they will get the hint), and let the gil sellers become the problem of se. If they are doing the tactics like stealing your claims or other things that interfere with the enjoyment of the game, then contact a GM, just like you would if it was another player cheating.

But that's just it. They aren't going to go around cancelling accounts without proof. Players trying to entrap gilsellers into selling them gil isn't proof either. A perfectly honest player who has a lot of extra gil may be tempted by the thought of real cash for it if someone approached them about it. Someone who would not have considered selling on their own.

Let SE take it up with the companies that do this. It is between the two companies. As far as those working for the companies, unless if they are messing with you in game, I hate to say this, let them be. Trying to annoy them is only going to make them more determined and more annoying to everyone else in the long run. We are the players, not the judge, jury and executioners of the server. SE has people to do that job. Let them.
#3 Oct 21 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
989 posts
Eventually they will go on to bigger games (or so I hope.) If you compare prices that IGE is buying gil for now ($5.50 per 100k) to what they were about 4 months ago ($18.00 per 100k) they might just see more opportunity moving to a new game than sitting on ffxi :P
#4 Oct 21 2004 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
Hahaha nice linkshell, i thought about that too. I've never seen mayuro camp there or with them before but valzionix camps with them. Also as of late, lovewume has been showing up there to camp it.

Anyways I noticed they had some unusual trick to getting it too beside a bot or turbo which they obviously must use. I was spamming the hell outta chi blast, it spawned in front of me, this happened like 4x and by all means i shoulda got it once. Instead my character targeted it like it was rdy to use chi blast then the mob remained unclaimed for like a second and my character boosted, i was like wtf did it use boost for i was spamming chi. Then again maybe my imagination got the better of me, lol.

Best chance to get it is like you said, train alot of mobs into the room. It messes the gil sellers up but they are still fargin fast at getting it.

Worst thing is they camp it 24/7 and are pretty much the sole sellers of archers rings, which are like 600k now and snipers 620-660k. So since they always get the archers, they can keep jackin up the price ever so slowy and crafters will buy their rings cuz they want to make snipers+1 even tho that makes the cost of regular snipers go up. They farm n camp everywhere and some gil sellers are actually lvl'ing n getting stronger.

They must be stopped.
#5 Oct 21 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
Tiffie, I really use to agree with that logic. Let SE take care of it etc... but SE will not do anything about it. Yes they are cracking down on the fishing botter's and hitting them hard some how. But Fishing has been nerfed to hell and all of the gil sellers that use to fish bot have moved on to farming anything worth gil.

Yes the gil sellers were and are taking more drastic measure's, they have been PK'ing many people lately and I don't know why anyone has called a GM on them yet (possibly because they were using a voke bot to try and win the voke). But they will take more drastic measures and have to get a hold of more advanced bots and hopefully SE will catch them.

But they hold a monopoly over many camping areas now, it use to take me about 1 hour to farm 60-40k now I am lucky to get 10k an hour.

Like I always say the main reason why SE will not do anything about them is because 30+ gil seller accounts on each server is greater than my 1 account on one server. Them > Me
#6 Oct 21 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
It is time we start taking matters into our own hands. I know for sure there is no way we can completely stop gil sellers but we can definetely make it difficult for them to do what they do.

That is the point of GilSellerHaters. If you want in contact Xrtdsi, Batistation, Derival, or me Hoovilation.

In a minute I'll post a screenshot of what happened when they used that "lag bot" or whatever it was.

Edit: Here is the screenshot, notice how it swings at Derival twice then it is claimed by them.

Edited, Thu Oct 21 14:05:59 2004 by Hoovilation
#7 Oct 21 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
1,058 posts
This past weekend we shut down that group pretty bad. Worse I personally got under a couple of their skins ( they were sending me Tells about what a bad person I was and how mean I hoo).

All it took was 6 People from my LS to go out and camp 3 in the room and 3 on the steps. We staggered and I quickly figured out how to counter their kiting to the point that they stopped, in fact I got the impression that I countered it so well that they were hurting themselves and not us.

End result, for 5 hours we held the stairs and the room. Theyu tried EVERYTHING, even taking the pop out of the room once and running it all over the caves to ***** up the timing of pops.

At one point they had lost 20 pops in a row and we actually saw them all LOG OFF. THey were back 30 minutes later, a new bunch, but I just started back in on them ( think of what kind of trash talk must go on on an NFL line of scrimage but with clean language and you get the idea).

I so completely ticked of BHEH that she/he GAVE UP at one point and just kneeled for over 20 minutes. It got to the point where they were all sending tells to other people in my party asking them why I was so cruel to them. I really wasn't being 'cruel' I was however being VERY politically incorrect...

For example, if a female party member snagged the pop from a what I felt was a male member of their party I might say..

"Oh man.. Beat AGAIN! And by a GIRL! Oh how weak is THAT!? Big Boss gonna be Angry BIG BIG!"

Or when the one on the stairs and one in the room I'd throw out a...

"Oh wow. Have you guys ever won a pop against a NA player? I thought you were like good or something. Damn. Losing to a NA player, Big Boss is going to make you work extra today!"

Or If we were waiting for pops I might say...

"Hey its gonna be a few minutes, you folks need a pee break? we'll keep an eye on things. Oh wait, do you GET pee breaks there?"

"wow you guys are missing a lot of pops and we're racking up the rings... are you going to get fired? I hope not. We like you. You're fun. I hope Big Boss doesnt yell at you."

"Hey guys, ya know, this is FUN! I like you people. We should get together and watch Jackie Chan movies and eat egg rolls"

No it wasn't exactly "nice" but it amazed me how quickly the "I Don't speak any English" comments turned into nasty tells to us and then finally to dead silence from all of them and eventually a log out for all.

At one point one even said to a party member ( I think it was meant as a threat) that "Boss man on now, we will see who best!" and they still lost every pop. Which of course only prompted my litle mouth to rack up even more disses.

So if you really do want to camp the NM or get the drop or do whatever... you CAN. You just have to work at it. In all honesty, it was perhaps the most fun I had had in game in weeks.
#8 Oct 21 2004 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
About the screenshot... If you look, you never cast dia... you were too far away. Also whats up with the writing over the text? So as for how it attacked you, I'm clueless to say anything other than something doesn't look right. But if you managed to claim it without casting a spell on it or attacking it, I'm impressed!
#9 Oct 21 2004 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
air what you were doing wasn't going to potentially interfere with those who would be unlucky enough to get caught in the middle of trains and the like. Trash talking and competing against them is fine. If they get annoyed by losing pops that's their issue. But to stoop to their level and use their tactics against them can cause so many other problems. It's those things I say let SE handle it. We can't get rid of them. SE has to.

We can make thier lives difficult by getting better at counteracting their tactics. But as was brought up in a different thread, if someone is good at camping a nm, another person can easily start a they are a gil seller rumor to get all of the self justice people on that person's case when they are doing it fair and square. We have enough of competition on the server with rude, honest players and parties who are willing to fight over a rare spawn occassionaly, that even if the gil sellers were to go away, it wouldn't neccessarily make your chances any better. When they go away, some other annoying group will be more then willing to step up and take their spot.

Trying to interfere with their playing is just as bad as them doing the same to us, not to mention look at all the innocents that can get caught up in it. Nothing saying that even those those bats don't aggro a party may voke or cast on one of them by accident and get wiped out and then you would be responsible for costing 6 honest players experience. Which only makes the problem worse.

The ability to make gil is still out there. You just have to be more creative with it. Instead of farming high price items, I have moved to low price, easy drop items. I keep the ah full at all times and often make just as much gil. I may have to hop cities to sell things for the best price, but it's no biggie, I'll go farm a few more stacks of whatever while I'm there.

And not all fish botters were gil sellers. I knew more "legitmate" players that botted then gil sellers. And the same with the fishing. I've actually been more successful since the change. So I'm not catching a bunch of items out the butt but I am getting a variety of fish that I can sell for crafting or quests. You just have to try new spots and maybe go somewhere where you have to chance catching a monster. Sucks? Yeah, a little. But they did they best they could to stop fish botters at that front.

And that's just it. No matter what they do to try to help the situation, it's going to anger the legitimate players. The fishing is just one example. If they make these drops rare/ex as someone suggested, it's just going to make it even more difficult to get which will anger a lot of people. Of course then you all will know how summoners feel with the carby mitts. ;)

They can't go around cancelling accounts of suspected gil sellers if there is no real proof. Well they can, but by doing that, all it takes is for one legitimate player to get tossed out of the game and then this board will be filled with se is abusing their power we must stop them threads instead of gil sellers must be stopped.

The truth is, we help drive the prices on those items they are over camping just as much as they do. If we hold off on buying, they will lower the price to sell. They are only getting away with it because us as players are willing to complain but still buy those items for the overinflated price. Some players wouldn't even mind if other's wouldn't be stuck up towards them and not want to party with them if they don't have the best equipment. I don't, and I do my job just fine and I'm lucky to usually get in parties that don't mind the lack of full Austere gear and the like.

Unfortunately, these servers aren't ours. It is not up to us to police them. So yes, I still say let SE handle it. We should help them. If these guys or any players are exploiting bugs or using other tactics like that, report them everytime it happens to you. If they are overcamping something, find a party willing to put in the time and camp it too and get faster them then at the pull. If they cheat, report them. Don't stoop to their level. And if they are using a bug exploit, keep reporting that bug through the bug fix form EVERYTIME you see it exploited. It may move it up in the to fix priority list.

But as long as their have been online games, there have been people like this. You can't get rid of them. You can slow them down, but usually the best way to do this is to not stoop to their level but to use the "legal" means given to you by the game.

And you are right about one person meaning less then a group of 30. But the group of legit players on this server by far outnumber the gil sellers. If a good percentage of us keep making our voices heard WITHOUT resorting to the dirty tactics, square will realize that we outnumber them and we can end up being a greater loss if we were to move onto a different game.
#10 Oct 21 2004 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
Actually i called a gm on them a few hours ago. He said he would investigate, but i just was logged on and they all still there. So gm didnt do anything.
#11 Oct 21 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Or didn't get there yet, or is still looking into it. Sometimes they have to do some stuff and pass the info to those above them in the command chain. You may not see immediate results. But try and be patient. Give them time to do their job.
#12 Oct 21 2004 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
My main complaint is that the few times we've called a GM on someone using a bot, the GM's never did anything. A bunch of us were trying to camp Hoo some time ago, all the mobs around this one guy were spawning claimed. Called a GM and basically told us that there was nothing strange happening. So it seems that as long as your at your computer you can bot away and they won't or can't do anything about it. Anyone else notice this?
#13 Oct 21 2004 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
WanderingBard - If you look at the right of the screenshot you will see that Derival is in the party with Xrtdsi (who took the screenshot). Derival is the one that claims the Stroper Chyme not Xrtdsi. You will also see as I mentioned that the Stroper Chyme misses Derival 3 times and is then provoked by the gil sellers.

The text over the screenshot says "-=[ tso by qbnut ]=-" it is an overlay program that just shows who is talking on Teamspeak.

Still impressed?
#14 Oct 21 2004 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Wandering, I agree, that is a major problem, whether gil sellers or not are doing this. Too bad se hasn't figured out a way to automatically detect these programs and kick you out of game if you are using them and not allow you back on until they are disabled. I use to play on a fps server that did that with a common aim bot. Sure, there were a handful who tried and sometimes were successful about finding a way around it, but for the most part, the effort made it more trouble then was worth. The problem users moved onto different servers. Maybe if they did something similar here, the problem users would move onto different games.
#15 Oct 21 2004 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
Eh, yeah, didn't read the names. Well I did, just didn't click that they were two different names. Is this anything like when certain people walk into the guild shops or near you when NM camping your clock seems to slow down? Cause one time I was the only person in the shop. like 30 in game minutes till it opened, some guy walks in the person faces them then they log out. Shop opens and it's already bought out of stuff, and I was still the only other person there, nobody else had walked in. Always wondered what happened there.

And I very much hate this site when those retarded overlay adds pop up and I can't read anything, they could at least not take those adds.

Edited, Thu Oct 21 15:14:56 2004 by WanderingBard
#16 Oct 21 2004 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
989 posts
What message?

Hoov: you didn't mention that it used it's aoe and derival evaded. so it kind of attacked him 4 times :D [/smartarseness]

Edited, Thu Oct 21 16:58:40 2004 by GenosHK
#17 Oct 21 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
1,058 posts

You're right and I agree. My only point was to show everyone who complains that "we can't compete" that yes, in fact, you can. You can compete, and win. You just have to be willing to fight for what you want and earn it... wait.. that sounds like life.
#18 Oct 21 2004 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Ain't that the truth. :D No, I'm glad you gave your example, because at times it's just fustrating and you feel like you have no shot at winning. And great job on doing the wins.

But yeah, I think these types of games mirror real life a lot. You have to worry about the economy and the it's not always fair rule definately applies a lot here. The problem is caused by there being so many people and in large groups, I find a lot of people who act like idiots and who want to take shortcuts to get ahead and aren't willing to earn what they get. Why are they going to be different in game? And just like in real life, we got to learn to deal with them. We can't let the small percentage take away from our enjoyment. There are more of us then them and there are more nice people on the server then idiots. If you are losing sleep about this in real life, then it's time to take a break and put things back into perspective. This is just a game. Even though they are going to anger us and make some things harder, we choose to be there and can choose to take a break when it stops being entertaining. Even if the break is just for a few hours or one day. It does help.
#19 Oct 21 2004 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
48 posts
GenosHK Derival is the one that grabbed it read up on that log again from the beginning.
#20 Oct 21 2004 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
989 posts
I didn't make the connection before. I even read everything that said Derival got it, and that you took the screenie, and for some reason I still thought Derival was the one casting dia :P

What message? :D
#21 Oct 21 2004 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
just reading through the messages real quick... first comment

I was THF/WAR and I Provoked. I had claim, it was mine, but the Taru looked like he lagged out then all the sudden the mob turned yellow then purple. He now owned the mob and me.

Tif- I was not saying that all Fishbots were and are gil sellers. I am saying that the majority of the main gil sellers that were fish bots (The Wangs for example) had to stop and take over farming areas.

Also I do not have the time to play 6+ hours everyday to make 50k each day... With my THF and TH2 ALL of the areas I could farm for even a decent amount of gil have been taken up. Now I am forced to farm in Sarabuta (sp.?) killing bees and Crawlers for 10k an hour. And I am taking over the newbie area, it is something I did not want to do but am forced to do so.

Yes there are other ways to make gil but unfortunatly I am not a part of some super high HMN LS or Dynamis LS or static BCNM. I am just a ordinary player trying to get by, but frustrated about what has happened. I am also tired of the people that say they don't bother me because they are not in my way. A majority of those people are to low level to even care yet or they possibly buy gil themselves which is worse that the actual gil sellers. But many people cannot farm, sell teleports, mine, logging (because of bots) have no real means to make gil so some are actually forced to buy gil... for those people they really should quit.

About the comment that if there were not gil sellers camping it it would be others... I would be so much happier about it. The market would not be controlled by one group. Many real players would actually have a chance, prices would actually be at a decent price. The gil sellers whole motivation or what it seems like is to take away any money making ways from everyone, that way they will buy gil from them.

Also that crap about winning the voke on them everytime... please come show us how to do it, sure during the NA shift the people that work on those accounts seem a lot slower than the ones during JP time... but im pretty sure we have pissed them off so they are paying much more attention now. Yeah I can win a couple of them but without a voke bot running, I am really no match to their voke bot. Mostly with the lag timeout bot, NOTHING has pissed me off more than that and it still happens. I really don't know how to explain it, and I wish I had a picture from my screen saying Derival Provokes the Stroper Chyme ... then it goes yellow and purple... you can't say nothing is going on here.
#22 Oct 21 2004 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
458 posts
The witch hunt IS getting out of control. My husband and I decided to camp Hoo Mjuu once and all we knew was hit Tab key and Voke macro. So he's madly hitting Tab and his little taru head starts bouncing all over the place, and one guy says "This guy is botting." I said "oh really, how can you tell?" And he said "Look at his head. I don't know which bot he is using for sure, but I'm pretty sure he is botting." Of course my husband and I cracked up. So I dared the guy to call a GM, but he wouldn't because he couldn't prove that it was a bot. We decided to have fun with the guy by typing things like "~/echo Bot 2000 under suspicion, commence shutdown" but finally told him that no it's not a bot. I'm sitting 10 feet from the taru, I'm pretty sure he isn't botting. Messing with the accuser might not have been the best idea in hindsight, since who knows, we MIGHT have gotten in trouble. But man did we get a great laugh at his expense. (By the way, Mr. Taru Bot 2000 did not get Hoo Mjuu, and neither did I.)
#23 Oct 21 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
lol, yeah some people have no clue what they are doing and are quick to jump on someone as a bot because they can't get the mob.

But honestly the majority of people on Ragnarok know who the gil sellers are and who are not... its not really a hunt anymore.

And if you don't know, there is a website in the works listing them all.
#24 Oct 22 2004 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Der, trust me, I'm with you, I would love to see these guys go away. But I don't want to see people stooping to their level to do it. It's just going to make all of our virtual lives more difficult if everyone is doing that stuff to each other. Not everyone is going to know who the real gil sellers or or even that a site is going to exist with them on it.

And who is to say that the group that steps up in place of the gil sellers wouldn't have the same type of monopoly effect on the market? Just playing devil's advocate here. But there is no guarantee that the problem of over inflated goods is going to go away even when they are gone. Unfortunately, if people are willing to pay outrageous amounts of gil for the best, others are going to be more then happy to charge it, and some will be greedy enough to monopolize it.

I hate that this goes on as much as the next person though. I play this game to meet new people and have fun in a world that I've grown to love visiting. And even though it can sometimes be harder to come by in game money then real life money, I'm not going to let another group take away my enjoyment. I too am and not in the ls types like you mentioned. I will say though, I found gardening to be a very profitable thing and it doesn't require hardly any time or effort. It takes a few days before you start seeing a profit, but it's definately worth it in the end.
#25 Oct 22 2004 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
133 posts
And who is to say that the group that steps up in place of the gil sellers wouldn't have the same type of monopoly effect on the market?

It was never like this before, I don't see why normal players would camp something 24/7. The fact is usually a player will camp an item until he has one or two of them and sell or use the item's and move on and continue to play the game; missions, quest, leveling up, etc... Yes there are some people that will camp an item constantly but are in no way capable of camping it 24/7.
#26 Oct 22 2004 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Greed would be the main reason. Again, playing devil's advocate. But say I have a linkshell and I want all of my friends to have the best equipment. That's an expensive proposition. Best way to do it, NM hunt. So we set up a schedule and have everyone camp it for a few hours a day. You can easily run the course of a 24 hour period. Oh, so there is nobody to do the overnight shift? Find someone overseas who would love to benefit from the gil. Even if they each only took 1 hour a day so it wouldn't interfere with leveling, you still wouldn't need that many people to cover it.

You are right, this wasn't an issue before. But now that people are seeing it done, there are going to be some people who are more then willing to at least attempt to take the place.

But back to the real issue at hand, how to make this problem downsize. It's never going to go away 100%. There are always people who will find a way around the system. As players, our only option is to make it a less desireable practice for them. We don't have the option to boot them off of the server. Minor annoyances (ie, training and the like) isn't going to make it less profitable for them. So they may get annoyed and go away for an hour or so, or more then likely, they will find a way to combat that as well. The only way they are going to lose interest is if they stop making real money. Easiest way to do that is to continue to educate people that buying gil only encourages them to do this thus making prices rise which will in turn cause the need for them to purchase more gil. Maybe when they see more and more money coming out of their wallets for in game items (because trying to convince someone they don't have to have the best equipment to enjoy the game is pointless in some cases) they will wake up and stop. But again, that's just idealistic ramblings....
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