Well after a couple of nights with conversations with GM's... there is only one way to get rid of a gil seller.
The "seller" has to come to you and ask you if you want to buy gil. Once this has happened call a GM and it is in the log and they can and will kick that person at that time. You can continue on talking to the gil seller to try and get more information about their operation but no matter what NEVER try to lead them on like you are going to buy gil. The GM will ban both of you because it looks like you want to buy gil now.
I had talked with a very nice GM (no I did not call him whining about the gil sellers) about what... if anything could ever be done. At first I said what if I have proof that a person is selling gil or works for a company that sell's gil, he replied any images of a conversation is not proof because they can be altered, so frap shots are no good. He then said that also if you ask the gil sellers about buying gil they can turn you in for harrassment and it also looks like you want to buy gil so you will be banned.
I asked him if anything was really being done about the gil sellers and he said it is a legal matter and that is all that could be said. Then I started to ask if there was anyone @ SE that I could contact or write to voice my concerns. I was pointed to a place on the help desk to write any concerns about the game. Waste of time... maybe but I will do it anyway.
What sucks really bad is that NO established company will come right out and say "Hi do you want to buy gil." The only ones that do are the small time guys trying to make a few dollars.
But get rid of them before they really start if you ever get the chance.
/start rant
On a side note, The 5 people that camp Stropers in Ordelles (Bheh, Choryo, Elliw, Ellynydd, Elsianie, Elsianie ... and sometimes a PLD is with them named Mayuro)work for someone that sells gil. They are "Professional" unlike us, or so Ellynydd told me. And yes they do use voke bots and they have some weird lag thing going on to were they could actually take a claim from you even after you had claimed it. (The real reason why I called a GM) It was really messed up I actually won the claim first... it was red to me, but with in 1/10th of a second after it all the sudden went Yellow then purple. Choryo the Taru that has the lag "problems" was the one that claimed it from me and then immediatly sent me a /tell Derival ^.^
Enraged with this we gathered up more troops and created a new LS against these Gil Sellers "Gil Seller Haters". That night was incredibly fun and totally pissed of these gil sellers... even though they were still getting the claim about have of the time (we had about 9-14 people to their 5). We did everything from charming one of the Stropers to massive trains. The trains really made it hard for them, actually they never won a claim with a train in the big room... and to make things even better it took about 5 trains to create a extremely huge train in Ordelles (about 50 Bats 10 or so goblins and a few other mobs). One of their voke bots grabbed a bat when we ran it by, they were swarmed and could not even move because of this and died.
No one was PK'ed... the bat's goblins and whatever else did not aggro anyone in the room. If the gil seller did not have their voke bot on, they would not have got any aggro. So yeah they killed their self. But I can happily say that they do not have a "named mob" bot or else the trains would not have helped out as much.
/end rant