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Another bad story on Ragnarok [Biggy]Follow

#1 Oct 26 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
Hello everyone, I'm here to report another sad story.

For ppl that can read / understand italian, this is the direct link to the discussion opened in my community forum.

To sum up things, Cautery (PLD, italian) was in a set party with Biggy (DRK, na) from lvl 50 to lvl 62.
On july 31, some days before his own vacations, Cautery agreed to borrow 900.000 gils to Biggy. He needed 'em to buy his Haubergeon, and he told Cautery that he would have farmed the money during august to give him back.
Cautery consideration was : "When you play with someone day by day for a whole month, why don't help him? He was a friend to me!"

On september 1st, Cautery was back online but Biggy didn't give his gils back with the motivation that he thought Cautery was getting back on 11th and not on 1st of the month.

Cautery didn't played for some days (busy in real life), and when he was back on 11, Biggy told him that he spent all the money because "some italian friends told him Cautery had quit the game". *********

In October Cautery, pissed off by the whole situation, insulted Biggy (/tell, not /say or /shout) and he blacklisted him.

In the middle of the month Cautery convinced Biggy to remove him from blacklist. That time Biggy told that when he would have reached lvl 75, he could finally give Cautery that damn 900.000 back.

Biggy hits lvl 75, no money. After some days Cautery joins Biggy's LS "Soul Pirates" and tells everyone what happened. All members believed to the story (Biggy must not have a good reputation...) and they tried to convince Biggy to refund Cautery.

Biggy, pissed off, replied that he needed the equipment and gils to "have fun with its HNL ls Melon". He added, to be just a little more pathetic, that he had some Real Life problems (what's the connection between real life problems and online currency?).

Now, what's the point with this post? Cautery was probably stupid to borrow gils to someone that really looked like a friend... on the other hand I feel it is a good thing to show you all how bad Biggy is.

That's all for now, I'm not here to ask gils because my LS is going to help Cautery.

See ya online.

I'm sorry, my english isn't very good m(-.-)m

#2 Oct 26 2004 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
What is with all the posts about bad players all the sudden?? How do we know this is 100% fact? You could have a personal vendetta against this individual.

As its been said here before by countless other posters;
Take it to your linkshell and friends, dont post here. This is a public forum for us to meet new people, get help with missions, events, quests, and general talk. Not to flame everybody.

I dont want to see our forum turn into a flame forum like all the other servers' forums.
#3 Oct 26 2004 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
bleh... damn that Biggy... he sorta... im owes me 200k..

we decided to camp for an archer ring back when they were about 400k... we had decided to split the drops no matter what.. i zone in... run a little.. and a ring drops... he says that since i didn't to anything for THAT ring.. that i don't get any of the drops... we continued to kill chyme... were there for hours... no more drops.. he keeps the money.. i kinda just shruged it off...

Biggys on my friends list.... but.. now i'm sorta pissed at him again -.-'
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#4 Oct 26 2004 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
Halofrost you got your indirect confirmation by Deadgye, and I personally do not know him ;)
I do not know Biggy too, so your idea of a personal vendetta is just wrong.
As far as I remember, I played with him only once, in a skill up party in Oztroja.
I didn't started a flame or asked for vengeance, I don't even ask you all to blacklist him.
I just told you all what happened to a good fellow of my community, a kind player, and believe me as one moderator of that community, sackholder of LS, I usually don't lose my time building false stories.

Looks like Mileyu, a Bard in one of our members LS, will talk to Biggy to try and convince him to give that money back to Cautery... I cross my fingers.

P.S. FYK I could refer MILIONS of story like that (one friend of mine bought a leather ring sold as sniper ring - square could invest some more in graphic... - and lost 500k... no post as you can see ;) ), I decided to refer this one because it started with an act of extreme friendship.
#5 Oct 26 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
wtf? u dont even know biggy? so how the hell would u know he even took the money like u say? I DO know biggy and i dont think he would do something like that and not feel bad for it, if he never had the money, then how could he give 900k?? Cautery trained robber craps on me and got me killed, I dunno if it was on purpose or not but he never said anything and I thought it was pretty rude... the least he can do is stop ******** about it and wait for him to actually make the money?

Edited, Tue Oct 26 18:04:10 2004 by Duritan
#6 Oct 26 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
There is NO need for flaming this guy. You agree with him? then blacklist Biggy. You don't agree? Then just do not say anything, or explain your point of view, but flaming is the wrong way to answer. A fact was reported. That's all. IMO If this weren't true there wouldn't have been so many people trusting Cautery.
Now i don't care, add me to your blacklist if you want ;)

Sorry but i HAD to give my opinion. Can't just sit down and read flames.

#7 Oct 26 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
311 posts
sounds like some horrible guy if he actually is doing those things on purpose.

here's a story of someone losing a venomous claw (which costs up to 5 million now on our server, it's the key item for scorpion harness)
#8 Oct 26 2004 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you Darkat, I appreciate your post.
Duritan you are free to believe whatever you wish, but many ppl can witness this story.
If you wanna flame me, go on, I won't reply because it is not what I want.

Bye ^^
#9 Oct 26 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
989 posts
Actually I was there the night that Biggy borrowed the gil for the armor. That was the day that Biggy joined our set. Which he out-leveled all of us, and pretty much screwed us over. :(

Though I will confirm that he did infact borrow the gil. I know not if he paid it back or not, but I know he did borrow the gil.
#10 Oct 26 2004 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
I know biggy very very well (as in Real Life) and yes he DID have some real life issues, as in "FATHER DYING" so please dont critisize biggy for the problems you've had with him, I think this thread was a big pile of ******** cause the only one who should be making these threads is Cautery himself. It's their buisness, so nobody should be making a deal out of it. I do believe what Biggy did was wrong for giving the gil away wen he shouldn't have, but did u ever think that he could be telling the truth about Cautery quitting? And Cautery had no right to spread the ******** about biggy whether it was true or not, he should at least keep it to himself and talk to biggy about his problems rather than telling everyone else to do it.
#11 Oct 26 2004 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
Biggy is in the same HNMLS as me and these lies you are saying is ridiculous. Grow up and leave him alone or you have to deal with me. He is no thief and he's kind. I let him borrow lots of things and he pays me back. He isn't a bad person and he actually takes out of his time to make others happy.
#12 Oct 26 2004 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
Awwh man that's awfull to hear mate

anyway hope you get back the Gil :)

cu online and on ps2 beta ;)
#13 Oct 26 2004 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
Hi, thanks to Lonestar that has posted this for me. My english is not very well to write everything is happend between me and Biggy.

The only thing I wanna say is that I borrowed 900.000 gil to Biggy, coz I though he was a friend (hey, a friend in the game is not like a friend in real life!). After 1 month and half to play with him in the same set party I really though he was an affidable persons. We have had a great times when we was in the set...

As Lonestar has said (he only has translate my story from our italian forum), is from september 11th that I'm waiting these money. I've spent more than 1 month to farm these stupid money! Ok, the stupid is me coz I've loan to a person a large amount of money... but when Biggy said to me "Don't worry Cau, you will have your money back when u'll come back from your summer vacation. I'll buy Haubergeon and I'll start to farm to return you the money and then I'll help you to farm for your Adaman set.", I though these was words from a friend!

Every time he telled to me he hasn't the money, he was too busy with him LS to farm my moneys and he had a RL problems and he doesnt' want problems in game too. I'm sorry for him RL problem, I don't wanna ***** him game but what about me?

I've passed 2 month w/o money, I've lost 2 possibility to buy a Byrnie for 1million and why? Coz I hadn't my money! I've lost 2 month, payed 2 montly fees to do anything coz I hadn't time to farm (school and gf) and, where was my moneys? MY 900.000 GILS?

Ok, you could not belive me! Biggy hasn't stole to me 900k! He only never returned the 900k i loan to him in july 31th!

Thanks Biggy, thanks!

P.S.: these are the message he sended to me today:

- dude, **** you, u ******* making up rumors is BULL ****, **** you, your trying to ruin my game i'll ruin yours ok?

- u know what u have done, i aint putting up with this bs, ur starting rumors that aint true so ***** off with your bs

- ?? what ?? u ruin'd my game by starting rumors, so im gonna ruin yours.

- ur a liar dude, you made up all this BS and i dont need it.. u spam'd lower jeuno with lie's, 900k that i dont know of.

Don't belive me? What the screen from my POL? So, now it's all unusless... I won't never have my money back...

Thanks FFXI!
#14 Oct 26 2004 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
Shaharara I don't think that Biggy needs someone who defend him. If he has something to say, he can do that here. You can't believe to Cautery's story, but I know him as a correct person, always aviable to help other players. He has no need to lie. You can think what you want, but the one who doesn't have problems with his coscience here is only Caut and I can't say the same for Biggy.

Some people don't know the meaning of words like "honesty" or "friendship" and Biggy his one of those people.

Good life guys ;)
#15 Oct 26 2004 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
Cautery post screenshots of that tells between you and him.
#16 Oct 26 2004 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
First off, biggy shouldn't have to come here to defend himself because it shouldn't have been brought here in the first place. Secondly, what takes place between him and Cautery/his LS should stay between him/you guys.
I just think issues between individuals should be dealt with between them, and not made public for everyone to throw their 2 gil worth in, and make prejudged conceptions about someone that they dont even know.
We all have issues with people.. myself included, but I deal with them in /tell mode or with my LS.
#17 Oct 26 2004 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
my point exactly phrost
#18 Oct 26 2004 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
773 posts
Make that Another Person who Agrees. Save your Personal Flames for Aim or some other Chat Medium.
#19 Oct 26 2004 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
989 posts
Well Biggy hasn't ever been an *** to me or anyone I know of, and like the previous poster said, it's something between Cautery and Biggy. It has nothing to do with me, though it is reasonable for Cautery to have someone post the information for him, as he said his english isn't very good ^^. This is the last post I'll make in here, I hope that both of you work things out.
#20 Oct 26 2004 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
If the story is true (and sadly I'm pretty sure it is) the guy should really act like a man instead of a 5 years old kid, forget about his beloved hnms for a while and farm his *** off until he can refund the money.

Generally speaking its pretty pathetic to see that some people care more about gils, nice armors and uberness than friendship... :(

Edited, Tue Oct 26 21:23:30 2004 by Aethel
#21 Oct 26 2004 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
i saw the shouts in jeuno today against biggy and was sorta disappointed cuz biggy seemed nice to me the couple of times i've met him.. but meh, dont really care.

sucks for the italian guy tho =/
#22 Oct 26 2004 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
483 posts
I've skilled up with the guy many a time or two. I can't say he made much of an impression, either positive or negative.

Still as a server, we're a community of sorts. In a world initially full of strangers, all we have are our friendships and reputations. If you do a good job in group, people remember you and invite you again. If you're kind and fun to be around, people continue to gather around you and assist you as you've assisted them in the past.

Similarly the converse is true. If you're a jerk, leave parties without notice, don't do your job, etc etc, you'll become a blight, avoided at all costs. If someone steals a large sum of gil from you, the whole "take it in stride" arguement or "make it an issue between yourselves" gets thrown out the window, when our only contact and discussion with that person can be interupted with a simple Blacklist. I don't enjoy trial and error as a way of testing these issues. I rely on a combination of personal judgement and testimony from friends.

So yes I do rely on the experience of others that I trust to avoid bad experiences. As such I have an interest in this issue and others like it. Does that mean that I believe this? Not from this short thread. Still the game lacks punishment for an act of this kind and the players alone can come up with a response if Biggy did indeed steal gil.
#23 Oct 26 2004 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
*Lesson to learn... Never trust anyone on-line*
#24 Oct 27 2004 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
Cautery had no right to spread the bullsh*t about biggy whether it was true or not, he should at least keep it to himself and talk to biggy about his problems

How ? Biggy blacklisted Cautery when he asked for money back ...
That biggy would sell his mother for some gil

Edited, Wed Oct 27 03:56:55 2004 by megaloman
#25 Oct 27 2004 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
105 posts
Regardless of whether this issue should be worked out in-game, thro tells or w/e, the point here is that at least I now know to be cautious with Biggy. That's not too say I don't trut him at all, but I dont't really see why someone would lie about something like this. Especially since he has a few people backing him up on it.

BTW, if it were me, then I'd sell w/e it was I purchased to pay back that gil. Even if it meant be armor-less until I could make back the gil to re-purchase the armor.

My old LS merged with Biggy's and they created an HNM LS. When thing's didn't work out too well and it was decided to disband the shell and distribute the loot, Bigyy had some rather mean and harsh words to post over at his Linkshell's forum. So this kind of attitude doesn't really surprise me from him. Sorry Biggy, you seemed like a cool guy, but I think melon going to ur head >.<
#26 Oct 27 2004 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
How ? Biggy blacklisted Cautery when he asked for money back ...
That biggy would sell his mother for some gil

Cautery spammed the hell out of biggy with messages.. then if he was blacklisted couldn't he tell somebody else to give biggy a /tell to ask for him? Of course he could that wouldn't be too bad.. but did he really have to shout stuff about him in low jeuno? no I dont think that was a very nice thing to do.
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