Hey guys, I'm getting ready to do AF1 and could really use some help on it, if anyone needs to do the quest, or wants to help out (yes, please) post on here and I'll contact you in game. Just leave your character name, could really use a BLM's help!
Not sure what it entails, but I have a friend I will be helping with whm af1 this weekend and we could really use a tank. Maybe there is a way that we can work something out and do both yours and hers. I won't be able to do anything til Saturday at the earliest, leveling tonight and G2 on Friday, but if you want to send me a /tell sometime Saturday afternoon, the name is Tif. I may be able to help you.
To respond to both of your posts, give me a tell in game sometime, i can kill both. Marchelute likes to use dimensional breath so keep me healed and i can help :)
Yeah, I did that fight awhile ago with another friend. Ifrit actually did some mean damage to him when I was in the high 40's, looking forward to rematch now that I'm in mid 50's. :D But yeah, I'll let the whm know to send you a tell when we are ready to go.
Ooohh never solo'd the PLD AF1 before, Drop me a line in game and I can kill both for ya (well not sure about PLD since its an elemental :3, but I know I can do the WHM one)