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ragnarok prices on popular itemsFollow

#1 Nov 15 2004 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
311 posts
this should inform those who quit the game or are taking a small retirement.

take a look at some prices

what do you think?
#2 Nov 15 2004 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
Dear god... things are doing 100k price jumps in one week for no reason... This is quite literally madness.
#3 Nov 15 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
773 posts
Ouch. I'm just Leveling Alt while I can. Trying to find ways to **** Gil, IE the Brd Leveling :)
#4 Nov 15 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
381 posts
It's been going on for quite a while. I normally watch sniper prices climb like 20k or more per week. For some reason I can see character activation declining once WoW and the other mmorpg's start popping out. Economy has gone to hell on ffxi and quite a few people are getting frustrated with it.

*edit* notice that raife tried upping sniper's by 20k in the 2nd list :o I assume that sniper's sold out and he tried to sell his to make some sort of profit or jack the price up...that's another thing that gets annoying.

Edited, Mon Nov 15 13:26:31 2004 by AcidReign
#5 Nov 15 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
I am totally flabbergasted at the price of Sniper's Rings... Excuse me but... 800K??? WHO THE HELL IS BUYING THESE!?!?!? I would pay, AT MOST, 500K. That's reasonable... I guess. but come on, 800K? W T F....
#6 Nov 15 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Think of it like ebay. Remember how high the ps2s were going on there when it first came out? Some moron even paid $500 for an empty box. It's the same thing. If people are willing to pay those prices and I have the item, you can be sure I'm putting mine up for sale. Why not? Just wait for it to drop in price again (and it will) and make a little profit.
#7 Nov 15 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
damn ige -_-;;;;;
stupid SE ._.

#8 Nov 16 2004 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
773 posts
Honestly Tho. If you were Farming, and got these Drops, would You sell them for 20% Less? Niether Would I.

There are Plenty of Legit Players Jacking Prices too. It's an Economy, and All about Supply and Demand. Yes, Gil-Sellers Suck, but Legit Folks are able to Sell Gear and Jack **** up Too.

Someone Mentioned in a Similar Thread about those who are able to God-Kill Weekly or more Frequent. That is just another Source of Player Power, Items to Sell, and Margin for Profit.

Best I can Do to deal w/ the Hike, is Buy Good Gear (Not 'uber 1227 shiz') and try to Make do. I Farm when I can for What I can, but this game does have several Dimensions (W/o Buying Gil) to Make Loot.
#9 Nov 16 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
458 posts
Even on smaller items it's sad. My linkshell has quite a few level 30ish players who have discovered the joys of RSE. I bought mine ages ago for about 70k and kept it all. Now 70k will buy you one pair of female hume hot pants. Level 30's can't afford that! Come on now! I have spent the last week in Ordelle's helping these people out to get their own because I refuse to let them buy RSE at the prices they are at now.
I'd like to encourage everyone to help out their friends and ls mates in camping the NM of their choice and help them save their hard-earned gil. Set aside one day a week in your ls for NM hunting and coffer popping and show these people we aren't going to pay their ridiculous prices.
#10 Nov 16 2004 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
I can't believe people actually pay that much for something that can be somewhat easily quested. I'm constantly doing RSE runs with people. Usually a few days before the dungeon is do for theirs, I'll take them in and kill for the key. The night it comes up, we hunt the chest. Even with thfs picking locks, we are in and out in almost no time.

Queenie, I'm available on weekends to help get keys for people. I farm most of these dungeons anyway (especially gusgen for bone chips) so it's really not a big deal. I'll even go on chest hunting runs. With sneak/invis and a few decent levels, getting RSE isn't too, too bad.
#11 Nov 16 2004 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
458 posts
Hehe, too bad they aren't repeatable. :P

Yeah we have a couple galkas with their hearts set on being paladins, so I just had to get them their gloves. There's quite a few who want and quite a few who need. I am taking those who need only. Those who want just to sell, we are telling them to level up and get it themselves or bring a heck of a lot of sneak/invis.
My buddy and I did all 4 of his within a couple hours. He was whm/blm so he cuold warp himself to Jeuno, then teleport himself back to La Theine. I subbed thf and keys were dropping like crazy. I would get him the key, he would pop the chest, find him another key, then he would warp back. The plan was to have found the next chest by the time he got back and it worked great. He would pop it while I would kill for his next key.
Anyone wanting to do this, follow our method. If you aren't a mage then bring scrolls of warp and be prepared to bite the bullet and ride the Pasco Bus.
#12 Nov 16 2004 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Oh yeah, if the person is just going to sell, I don't go. Unless if they are selling it so they can afford a piece of equipment they need and have no hope of farming for in a reasonable amount of time.
#13 Nov 16 2004 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
458 posts
That's why I did mine. I had to buy my darned Jujitsu Gi already and just had NO GIL. So I figured what the heck, did RSE for my pants and boots, sold them for profit, and bought my Gi. I also did one for gloves since one of my dear friends is level 27 and needed a pair, so I loaned them to her. (Yes, I trust her completely and I have no doubts that she will return them.)
#14 Nov 16 2004 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the help, Queenie. :)
#15 Nov 16 2004 at 5:04 PM Rating: Good
458 posts
Anytime my big loveable galka. Mwah!
#16 Nov 16 2004 at 5:04 PM Rating: Good
458 posts
Anytime you big sweet galka you. Mwah!

By the way, everyone meet Beir. He rules. Really, he does.
#17 Nov 16 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Ouch. Those prices really are crazy. Good thing I don't need any of those items.

I think everyone's desire to be uber has been the cause for this, and besides, you could preform just as well with 1 less mp/vit/acc/whatever, and pay millions less.
#18 Nov 18 2004 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
458 posts
I got home last night and my husband told me he is going to quit. I asked why and he said the price of Morion Earrings jumped from 80k that morning to 260k that night. (Hayachi, see if you can get a screeny of the sales history, pretty please.) And you just KNOW that the next people to put earrings up are not going to take the price back down again. So now what? The price of leveling is too frustrating and takes the fun out of the game. It's getting so that I have no desire to play anymore. I logged on yesterday to take some friends on their Rank 4 run, then logged right back off again.
Why bother playing a game that is depressing and sad? Games are supposed to be fun. Now when I log on I think "Ooooh goodie, farming again. I suppose I could go try to steal some Saruta Cotton from Sylvestres. Nah, I wonder what's on TV?" <Click> "Hey, when did the new season for TV shows start back up again? Score! CSI is on!"
I used to be saying I'm going to stop after getting the rest of my AF. (I have yet to see a female hume in full SAM AF.) Now, I'm debating even taking it that far. I think I'll do my holiday event for my linskhell, throw one ******* party, then as Christmas presents, give them all my stuff. Maybe I'll keep my fishing gear and do what a buddy does and use this game as a "social fishing simulator". Maybe I will quit altogether and go back to building my Sims houses and killing off my neighbors. Maybe I'll start a new year with a new game. Whatever, I'll figure it out by Christmas.
So I guess if anyone needs anything from a 52 SAM let me know. I don't have anything better to do anymore besides fish.
#19 Nov 18 2004 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
OMG NO! Queenie, don't quit! Don't let Dankie quit either! You guys are seriously two of the main reasons I enjoy playing this game so much. I don't think that you NEED these crazy items to level and if/when I ever get to your level I will always invite you into my parties, regardless of your gear.

I hope these prices level off eventually, but if not we can do other fun stuff. I have some good ideas. :)

/beg Queeniexb Please stay!
#20 Nov 18 2004 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
458 posts
Jeez Beir, calm down. I said I'd figure it out by Christmas. I may just fish for the rest of the time. I've been invited to a new static party, but I need to get my whm up to 12. If whm turns out to be something interesting, I'll stick with it. But if Santa drops the new Grand Theft Auto game in my stocking, maybe I'll do that. I won a Sims game from DBS a while back and still haven't played it. If a new SSX game comes out, I am definitely taking time off for that. But I'm not quitting today or tomorrow or even next month. I'm sitting on over 200,000 gil that belongs to our linkshell and I would be a terrible person to not go through with the party and gift exchange that I promised. (BTW Tif, I got 22 people in so far! People are NUTS for your idea!) Plus, I already have our spring event planned. I think I'm just going to turn into a more casual player. I'll fish, I'll hang out, but don't expect me to be all serious about leveling anymore. Why bother farming 2 million gil for a haubergeon so that by the time I can afford it the price will be at 5 million?

Edit: Ooh look! I've obtained my very own karma troll! I feel soooo loved that someone is actually taking the time to find my posts and rate them down! I love you too honey! Let me guess who it could be....

Edited, Thu Nov 18 16:07:04 2004 by queeniexb
#21 Nov 18 2004 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
Queenie: Better not quit or this Sam will come hunting <(-_-;)>

But yeah, no one take offense to this, because its meant more as an observation than anything... I'm glad I was able to buy my gear when I did and I truly feel sorry for ANYONE having to pay these prices. I paid 395k each for my snipers and 1.5mill for my haub. Something seriously needs to be done.

I'm not going to try to turn this into another "Gilsellers are.." whatever thread, thats all that anyone posts about anymore (or "SO & SO RIPPED ME OFF/IS A BAD PLAYER/A THIEF/IS A NO0B").

The thing is, its not just the highly camped items that are being overpriced. I was in sandy to work on my woodworking skills a little bit, and I opened up the AH for crystals and there were 120 stacks of earth crystals for sale, and all 10 transactions were 1000gil each.. WTF?!?!?! Earth crystals used to be 200-400 gil depending on quantity. Needless to say, no crafting for me.

But, enough of my rant... The prices are taking the fun out of things for a lot of players, myself included. I still love the game, but thank god, I wont have to spend a fortune on anything else until lvl 72+ and most of the (Insert whatever evil you wish) isnt high enough level to get these items. Which is plenty of time for me to start camping NM's and such and make the gil.

Whatever path anyone chooses for their future in FF, I absolutely wish them the best and I hope they enjoy their time here!

#22 Nov 18 2004 at 11:53 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
/em goes and rates up all Queenies posts he can find... I'm the anti Karma Troll, I'm the Cave Troll ^_^

Even though I don't know you I don't think you should leave either, you seem like a really nice person and oftimes their in short supply :(
#23 Nov 19 2004 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
148 posts
>< /clings to queenie like a limpet. lets make whether queenie and dankie should go into a popular vote.. (u two will lose terribly on the "going" front...)

and i'll add my voice to phrost and bier's when they say " can't go!" think about it economically! if the queenie/dankie leaves, that will create a mass shortage of queenie/dankie goodness on ragnarok thus instigating a sharp increase in price and sad-karma! Most normal ragnarokians will never be able to see/afford a queenie/dankie again!

....ok so that made very little sense, even for me >< stay anyway. ^^;; /hugs!
#24 Nov 19 2004 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
seriously :p if i got a sniper ring i'd make a mule and sell sniper rings repeatedly at 600k.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#25 Nov 19 2004 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
On a side note, the earth crystal prices seemed to have dropped down back to normal. I think it was so high due to some of the better leveling areas to obtain crystals being under beastman control up until this past Sunday. I ended up sending my spares to someone for the same reason, and if ever crystal prices go up really bad again, I may be able to help others out, if they are willing to help me out in return when I'm in need. A lot of times with ore growing I end up short just one crystal of one type. I don't mind giving away a stack or two of earth if I know when I need just that one crystal, someone will be nice and send it to me.
#26 Nov 19 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
458 posts
But, but, but....
GTA San Andreas....
It has Guns N Roses on the soundtrack....
Sorry yall, but I've been a fan of GTA for a while now and I'm really ticked that I haven't played San Andreas yet. (You do realize there are more games out there than this one right?) This is my first MMORPG, my first Final Fantasy, and frankly, I've never played a game so long in my life. Well, ok I played Super Mario Bros. 2 for like a year, but I was 10. Isn't anyone else bored yet? I didn't even bother to log on last night.
I'm thinking trying out mage will give me a renewed interest in the game. As much as I LOVE being a samurai, I need a change. I just wish this game would let me jack people's chocobos and maybe the airship. And when I have a bad day I could grab my airship, sit on top of a canyon where the GMs can't get me, and pick off adventurers with my sniper rifle. (Yeah, I used cheat codes immensely, but since I was the only player, I wasn't hurting anyone.) When I go to Beaucidine (sp), I wish I was playing as Kaori and had a snowboard and that a really great soundtrack is playing. (Anyone else get "Poor Leno" by Ryksopp stuck in their heads when they go there? I just turned on my iPod so I could listen to it.)
Maybe this pricing nonsense will blow over in a couple months and I'll go back to leveling samurai. I still really want to get all the AF. Everyone is so busy being crybabies over the whole gil selling nonsense that they aren't even realizing the biggest thing: there is no possible way SE could stop them. It will be physically impossible to do it. The gilsellers aren't going to go anywhere, no matter how many petitions you sign, how many GMs you call, how many times you get sent to jail for MPKing one, how many names you list on a public forum. The people who start these petitions, lists, etc. don't know anything about copyright laws, or international laws. (Yeah, like China is really going to comply with a Japanese or American lawsuit. Keep dreaming.)
People need to stop concentrating on how to stop them and start working on how to outsmart them. It would require networking, cooperation, and trust on a lot of people's parts, and until everyone bands together and finds out a way to progress without needing their services (and without jacking each other), this is going to be the norm. My own personal way of protesting is now saying "I don't need your stuff, and I am not going to level until the price goes down or someone accepts me for what I currently have, which is still some damn fine gear." And if it continues, well, I have every intention of acquiring GTA:SA and in that game, I KNOW who is out to get me.
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