That's what I've been saying, people need to make more intelligent decisions, its not all because of gillsellers.
Actually, the very reason that normal people are jacking the prices of these items could easily be because of the inflation that the gilsellers are causing. The non-gilsellers increasing the prices may just feel as though gil isn't worth as much as it used to be, and thus feel that they should get more of a reward for their efforts.
And besides, no matter what the true cause, they're doing the rational thing. If someone sees some way to make a profit in a free-market economy like the one in FFXI, then they will, usually by raising the price on whatever they're selling. The only way that the prices can be lowered again is an organized boycott, and that is something that is extremely unlikely to happen.
So, people (well, the sellers, at least) *are* making intelligent decisions. It's the people who buy the items anyway for the inflated prices who need to think things over. And the gil sellers still need to be dealt with, because they're the most likely cause of the whole bloody thing.
Take a look at my thread further down on this forum: Gillsellers VS Economy Boom
Lalryn's posts on that thread elaborate on the subject much further. Go take a look if you're interested; it's a very good perspective into the extent of the gilselling problem, and the problem has wider-reaching repercussions than you might think.