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#1 Dec 11 2004 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
Hay I have an idea for a class. I am a 23 War/11 Mnk now. I am gonna go Drk/Pld. I know that they don't have voke but then again neither does any non-war. class. Here is a skill list. (The ones in blue are pld skills and at what level as a drk I will get them.)
Arcane Circle (5) [Skill]
Stone I (5) [Spell]

Poison (6) [Spell]

Physical Attack Up I (10) [Passive]
Drain (10) [Spell]
Holy Circle (10) [Skill]
Undead Killer [Passive]
Cure I (10) [Spell]

Banish I (14) [Spell]

Last Resort (15) [Skill]
Bio I (15) [Spell]

Aero (17) [Spell]

Weapon Bash [Skill] (20)
Resist Paralysis (20) [Passive]
Bind (20) [Spell]
Aspire (20) [Spell]
Physical Defense Up I [Passive]
Protect (20) [Spell]

Fire I (23) [Spell]

Arcane Killer (25) [Spell]

Poisonga (26) [Spell]

Blizzard I (29) [Spell]

Soul Eater (30) [Skill]
Physical Attack Up II [Passive]
Sleep (30) [Spell]
Shield Bash (30) [Skill]

Quite a large skill list ^^. Any thoughts? I'm gonna try it and then make a guide if it's good.
#2 Dec 11 2004 at 10:31 AM Rating: Default
. . .
#3 Dec 11 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
??? what is ...?
At least give me a responce.
#4 Dec 11 2004 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
133 posts
Just to be honest... if you plan on playing that combination, expect to almost never get a party unless you have friends that will let you join them. Its fun to play around with different combo's while you plan on playing solo for a bit but every job combination has already been tried and only the normal ones are accepted in a party situation. Sure you will get invites while you are in Valk Dunes as that combo... don't expect to go any further than level 20 with that combo. But good luck with your choice and hopefully you won't get harrassed about it.
#5 Dec 11 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Excellent
You should know by now how party dynamics work, in that every person in the party has a role to play. The role of a DRK is damage dealer, and the subjob chosen for that should be able to enhance your damage-dealing capabilities. DRK/PLD sounds like a good idea in theory because you have an uber-DD combined with a defensive powerhouse for a good all-around character. In reality, the defensive abilities gained from PLD subjob are not enough to compensate for a DRK's naturally low defense; and the PLD subjob does nothing to help you become a better damage-dealer, which is what 99% of experience parties will desire.

In most other non-experience-party situations, I'd personally prefer DRK/WHM if I wanted to have a little bit more survivability, but that's just me.
#6 Dec 11 2004 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
I know dynamics, I will be the EVERYTHING man ^^ Like a Melle Red Mage
#7 Dec 11 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
A famous quote from the DRK forum...

It could be said that a combination of DRK/PLD or PLD/DRK is essentially this: A half-assed Warrior with magic skills that could only be described as "retarded".

Just thought I'd share that.
#8 Dec 11 2004 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
lol well I guess I'll either have to prove them wrong or die trying ^^.
Name in-game: vanriku
Location: Qufrim
give me a hand if ya would. I'll be on monday.
#9 Dec 11 2004 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
892 posts
With Drk/Pld you wind up being a War with no voke more or less. The defencive traits of Paladin offset the poor defence of Drk. However the defencive skills of Warrior do the same thing. With War sub you still get defence bonuses and defender but you also get voke to help with the SATA setup and more offencive abilities.

My suggestion would be to go to the Drk forum and post it there and see what people who have played the job (And some I'll bet have tried that combo) think about it.

Think of it this way, would you sub anything else to Pld than War? Not unless you're soloing. Paladins are designed to take damage and you can't keep the mob in line without voke. It's the only pairing that allows a Pally to do what they do. Drk you can do more subjobs however subing Pld does nothing to enhance a Drks skills. In a good party you should rarely if ever get hit so defence is a non-issue.

But seriously, visit the Drk forum and ask them for the pros and cons of the combo. Don't say you're going to do it or you'll just get flamed by all of them. Ask the pros and cons and they should be nice about explaining it.

Edited, Sat Dec 11 13:53:52 2004 by WanderingBard
#10 Dec 11 2004 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
30 posts
Links to relevant threads within the DRK forum:

Drk/Pld the Super Red Mage!!!
DRK/PLD? wouldnt that be diffrent
The Ultimate DRK Subjob Guide

And here's a helpful one from the main forums:
The Definition of SubJob

As a fellow Ragnarok DRK, I urge you to please do your research on this one. If you have any questions, shoot me a /tell, I'll be on later tonight.

Edit: Link markup

Edited, Sat Dec 11 14:25:17 2004 by toastify
#11 Dec 11 2004 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
drk/pld is retarded straight up. the only reason you would do that is for superior def bonuses including excellent magic resistance(from extremely high pld mnd) but as a drk its your job to dd, so using that sub is utterly worthless in an exp environment

after 66 you are forced to use thf sub for SATA. I dont like this news either after my 69 drk friend told me that war sub doesnt do any good after 65.

Just might also mention that if you dont already, lvl your GS because its all about spinning slash SATA after 66

little off topic but drk is all about dd and subbing pld is terrible for any damage dealing job
#12 Dec 11 2004 at 10:46 PM Rating: Good
thanks for the links. It seems most comments are either "Sucks" or "It works diffrenlty for most classes but it has its goodside." The ppl who hate them party with them and r pissed that they have no voke. Thoes who said its good tired it and suck with it for a while. They also said it was a good class to solo with or fill every role in the party on a small level. Great Attack and Def with enough HP to sufice, their MP is nothing to put down.
I'm gonna give it a shot and the worst that happnes is that I go Dark Knight/Warrior.
#13 Dec 12 2004 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
430 posts
yay! someone remembered that my guide exists!

Unlike everyone else, I highly advise you use this combo. I feel you need to see its limitations, and experience the job first hand. I think you'd be best suited to understand why we advise against it.
#14 Dec 12 2004 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
you have a guide? O nice. Could I see yours? My adress is
#15 Dec 12 2004 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
DRK/PLD is usless. Period. Everything stinks, PLD dont have a high healing skill anyway, so it would not be good for solo at all. Drk is a damage dealing class, you're subjob is supposed to enhance the qualities of your main job, not balance them out.



Those are the only two subjobs i see fitting in an XP party.
#16 Dec 12 2004 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
PLD dont have a high healing skill anyway

PLD have the highest MND of any class man (yes higher then both WHM AND SMN so thats just totally incorrect that they have bad healing skill

lol that aside I still cant recommend drk/pld in an exp party setting
#17 Dec 12 2004 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
ive seen a DRK/NIN on Ragnarok..Yoshimitsu. So dont be afraid! be gimp!
#18 Dec 12 2004 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
440 posts
Question, to those few who seem to be in favor of DRK/PLD...

What does /PLD offer to a DRK that a melee-DD sub cannot? Keep in mind that the role of a DRK in parties is a DD'er.

/PLD offers: Holy Circle and Undead Killer at 10, Defense Up at 20 and 60, Shield Bash at 30, Resist Sleep at 40, Sentinel at 60, Cover at 70, and the basic line of Cure's up to Cure III at 60. Of these abilities, only two (Undead Killer and Shield Bash) really help a DRK, since the others are defensive-oriented and therefore useless. However, even these two pale in comparison to what a WAR or THF sub has to offer. Undead Killer is highly situational, and therefore can't hold a candle to Berserk, and seems outright stupid when you throw in Double Attack and Warcry. Shield Bash is useful since DRK's are also primary stunners, but it has a 10 minute recast, making it nothing more than an occasional free stun.
/PLD also doesn't offer much in the way of ability score bonuses. /WAR offers greater STR, and /THF offers greater DEX. /PLD gives VIT and MND, neither of which are of much use to a DRK.

So, a quick summary:
/PLD - Undead Killer, Shield Bash.
/WAR - Berserk, Warcry, Double Attack, higher STR.
/THF - Sneak Attack, Trick Attack, Flee (a DRK/THF equipped with an xbow makes a good puller,) higher DEX.

Which one would a reasonable person choose?
#19 Dec 13 2004 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
I'm a huge fan of experimentation. I think you can learn a lot by trying out event he worst possible combos. But some advice if you plan on doing that.

ALWAYS have the more standard combo ready to go. Make sure the party you are with is set to handle the experimentation and try it with friends, not strangers if possible. Strangers are going to be downright cruel about your choice of combos. And you will get mean tells and everything else.

I think you will find though that as fun as it is in the beginning, that the fun quickly wears as you grow in level and the weakness to the combo become more apparent. Which is why I suggest to always have the more standard combo ready to go. That way you won't be playing catchup when the time comes.

Heck, I threw blm on my drk once just to see what would happen. It was fun, but not something I'd recommend for an experience party.
#20 Dec 13 2004 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
yay! someone remembered that my guide exists!

of course i remember! it's very well written and informative. keep up the good work.

#21 Dec 13 2004 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
FamicomRagnarok wrote:
PLD have the highest MND of any class man (yes higher then both WHM AND SMN so thats just totally incorrect that they have bad healing skill

Actually... no... Paladin has the lowest mind stat out of all of the jobs you listed. If you want to see it go here and use the stat calculator.

Also healing is a skill like how you have skill in other magic and weapons. And that skill is much lower than a Whm and only ever so slightly higher than a Rdm.

And then you have to remember that Drk as a main has extremely low mind so Pld as a sub will have a hard time hitting the cure caps. You also have a half level healing skill cause well a Drk has no inherent healing magic skill so that won't help cures cap any faster.

All in all /Pld will have poor cures and a main Pld does not have a higher mind score than Whm or Smn and is tied with Rdm.
#22 Dec 14 2004 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
I have war if it fails and i'll just go solo drk. But i alredy have a bets from my friends that i will never reach L30 with this combo. The total is $65 and i was gonna do it anyways so...
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