Hay I have an idea for a class. I am a 23 War/11 Mnk now. I am gonna go Drk/Pld. I know that they don't have voke but then again neither does any non-war. class. Here is a skill list. (The ones in blue are pld skills and at what level as a drk I will get them.)
Arcane Circle (5) [Skill]
Stone I (5) [Spell]
Poison (6) [Spell]
Physical Attack Up I (10) [Passive]
Drain (10) [Spell]
Holy Circle (10) [Skill]
Undead Killer [Passive]
Cure I (10) [Spell]
Banish I (14) [Spell]
Last Resort (15) [Skill]
Bio I (15) [Spell]
Aero (17) [Spell]
Weapon Bash [Skill] (20)
Resist Paralysis (20) [Passive]
Bind (20) [Spell]
Aspire (20) [Spell]
Physical Defense Up I [Passive]
Protect (20) [Spell]
Fire I (23) [Spell]
Arcane Killer (25) [Spell]
Poisonga (26) [Spell]
Blizzard I (29) [Spell]
Soul Eater (30) [Skill]
Physical Attack Up II [Passive]
Sleep (30) [Spell]
Shield Bash (30) [Skill]
Quite a large skill list ^^. Any thoughts? I'm gonna try it and then make a guide if it's good.