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Where did the lulz topic go?Follow

#1 Dec 02 2007 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
Somebody's butthurt! So bored.
#2 Dec 03 2007 at 12:02 AM Rating: Default

It was fun to read.

#3 Dec 03 2007 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
265 posts
What happened! /panic!?

I worked so hard on that thread!

I didnt know threads could be deleted on lolalla!

And i worked so hard on that thread.
#4 Dec 03 2007 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent

#5 Dec 03 2007 at 12:29 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
I've confirmed that kerb gets exactly like me in the morning. Hyper-crazy-adhd-awesome.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#6 Dec 03 2007 at 1:14 AM Rating: Good
436 posts
Pace wrote:

I didnt know threads could be deleted on lolalla!

thread wasn't deleted. OP was banned cause someone who got /butthurted probably reported it to a site admin. So the thread got locked, and nuked.... it's still visible if you go to your account Smiley: wink
#8 Dec 05 2007 at 1:02 PM Rating: Default
84 posts
i miss the lulz already... i think pace needs to make another pic!
#9 Dec 06 2007 at 8:34 PM Rating: Default
265 posts
Haven't had time to make something, but i hope this delivers!

Click Me for epic bear battle

Edited, Dec 6th 2007 11:36pm by Pace
#10 Dec 10 2007 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
May I point out to Lokiking the rules 1 and 3 of our linkshell.
1. No Bashing of another person whether they're in the shell or not.
2. No Bashing of another forum.
3. No Bashing of another linkshell.

Please live by the rules Dreamin made, I'm suprised that Dreamin or Fuzzy has not issued you with a warning as yet.

I thought we were like totally bigger than this, and with what happened at the weekend in LS chat, this is totally unforgivable.

I will seriously be reconsidering my positon in the linkshell if the behavior of certain individuals does not improve.

I have done nothing but be nice, adhereing to our rules and helping others with quests/missions in the LS, but it seems some members seem to think they are better than others..

I would like to point out that a majority of IAG are wonderfull, and I have alot of huggles and cookies for the members there.

Please IAG members, leave the kids here to do the bashing, we don't need to lower ourselves to their level.

My apoligies to Dreamin and Mirmir for posting this here, but it needed saying.
#11 Dec 10 2007 at 7:01 AM Rating: Default
IAGrealdeal wrote:
May I point out to Lokiking the rules 1 and 3 of our linkshell.
1. No Bashing of another person whether they're in the shell or not.
2. No Bashing of another forum.
3. No Bashing of another linkshell.

Please live by the rules Dreamin made, I'm suprised that Dreamin or Fuzzy has not issued you with a warning as yet.


My apoligies to Dreamin and Mirmir for posting this here, but it needed saying.

Wow, I love how ppl mis-quote things. You remind me of a master of this 'lost-arts'. You've left out something very important about those rules. They're for OUR OWN forum and within OUR LS CHAT only. What people do outside of those two areas, isn't something that I care nor something that I can control (nor do I or could I control).

Again, until you identify yourself as who you are in our Shell, please stop claiming to be one of our members. I cannot imagine who would feel so proud to be a member but yet refused to identify themselves.

#12 Dec 10 2007 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
Again, until you identify yourself as who you are in our Shell, please stop claiming to be one of our members. I cannot imagine who would feel so proud to be a member but yet refused to identify themselves.

I'm not telling you who I am ingame, because you'll kick me out the shell dude, and you know it. I like playing with my friends here.
Is this all the thanks I get for trying to be helpfull and promote our shell?

What people do outside of those two areas, isn't something that I care nor something that I can control (nor do I or could I control).

You seem to care about what I'm posting....
{May bee} you should care what other members are posting here...I do.

Edited, Dec 10th 2007 12:14pm by IAGrealdeal
#13 Dec 10 2007 at 11:54 AM Rating: Default
452 posts
IAGrealdeal, if your afraid of Dreamin kicking you in game, you have pretty much admitted you feel guilty about posting anon like this, trying to push our linkshell into a fight we want NO part of.

There's other ways of finding out who you are. If you aren't man/woman enough to post, pm, or some other way tell me or someone else in IAG who you are, you really have no respect in my eyes. So, up to you really.

Don't call me Mirmir or Fuzzy or anything either - I only let people who I actually like do that. To this point, you are just trolling while trying to word everything nicely.
#14 Dec 10 2007 at 2:33 PM Rating: Default
IAGrealdeal wrote:

You seem to care about what I'm posting....
{May bee} you should care what other members are posting here...I do.

Only thing I care about you is you posting under our shell's name. As long as you removed that, I can careless what you post in alla.
#15 Dec 10 2007 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
So let me get this right, our LS rules are only for our forums/LS?
So Lokiking can come in here, who everyone knows is in IAG, and spout off, and you are not bothered by it? I thought this LS was made because you didn't like the "other" shell we were all in, but the rules here suck too. I'm begining to wonder why I joined you guys.
I have not, as you claim pushed anyone into a fight, you your self have blown this up out of proportion by not asking Lokiking to leave it.

This just sux dude, I'm the one getting in the neck, and all I was trying to do was be nice and get us more members.
There's other ways of finding out who you are.

Come on Fuzzums, you have neither the knowledge nor the brains, face it dude, your not the sharpest tool in the box, and you do not have as many friend in the LS as you think, because atleast 5 people in our LS knows who I am, they just aren't telling you. Please don't threaten me in future.

Only thing I care about you is you posting under our shell's name

"OUR" shell, lulz, by the way this is going, you mean "your shell", yes sir, no sir, please don't question me shell.

#16 Dec 10 2007 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
265 posts

How did this happen! I did nothing to cause this! /facepalm

I'm sorry if i missed it. But why does it matter who he is?

is it NOT all good?

Personally, i thought this person was a troll to begin with, and what must nobody do to trolls?

dont feed the trolls....

#17 Dec 11 2007 at 12:42 AM Rating: Good
So EC is holding khim with 5 people, including a BLM nuking in zenith mitts and NQ ice staff, and nevex the serial killer.

gg. Good thing we're not ******* who call GMs, like some people...
#18 Dec 11 2007 at 12:58 AM Rating: Good
Nice. EC wipes and TripleExcellence claims it without random before 100%.

#19 Dec 11 2007 at 2:43 AM Rating: Good
158 posts
I wanna thank IAGrealdeal for turning this thread into an A+ lulz topic.
I feel bad for the IAG members that actually care about their LS. It sucks to be targeted by a bored troll like that.
I have to admit though, if this IAGrealdeal is for real, then it's pretty damn funny.
#20 Dec 11 2007 at 5:23 AM Rating: Default
84 posts
Quoted Text
So let me get this right, our LS rules are only for our forums/LS?
So Lokiking can come in here, who everyone knows is in IAG, and spout off, and you are not bothered by it? I thought this LS was made because you didn't like the "other" shell we were all in, but the rules here suck too. I'm begining to wonder why I joined you guys.
I have not, as you claim pushed anyone into a fight, you your self have blown this up out of proportion by not asking Lokiking to leave it.

This just sux dude, I'm the one getting in the neck, and all I was trying to do was be nice and get us more members.

There's other ways of finding out who you are.

Come on Fuzzums, you have neither the knowledge nor the brains, face it dude, your not the sharpest tool in the box, and you do not have as many friend in the LS as you think, because atleast 5 people in our LS knows who I am, they just aren't telling you. Please don't threaten me in future.

Only thing I care about you is you posting under our shell's name

"OUR" shell, lulz, by the way this is going, you mean "your shell", yes sir, no sir, please don't question me shell.
Quoted Text

Wow if you didnt have a EU IP address i would call you pRick... you are a coward and represent the worst in human nature... I hope you know that you are viewed as a joke and nothing more... I mean come on out from hiding, if you have such a problem with the leaders of this shell leave, we dont want lil ******* in our shell... I actaully dont believe you are in IAG, i have my own opion on who you are... One other thing since you dont know me, NO1 tells me what i can and cant do, i follow the rules of the LS i havent broken a single one... Yea i did come in here and bash rick and dbs so what, who the @#%^ are you to tell me what to do.. You aint sh*t, just a scared lil ***** in hiding... Boo hoo their picking on pRick and dbs boo hoo god you sound like a baby... Go back to mommy you keyboard warrior your sad lil cries are falling on deaf ears... One more thing you lil rat go onto IAG's website and link in here were i broke the rules? Cause you know the rules dont apply here in alla you nitwit... Think before you post...

Pace you rule!!!
Edited, Dec 11th 2007 8:30am by Lokiking

Edited, Dec 11th 2007 8:48am by Lokiking

Edited, Dec 11th 2007 9:01am by Lokiking
#21 Dec 11 2007 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
699 posts
#22 Dec 11 2007 at 5:54 AM Rating: Good
699 posts
/ja "Double Post" <me>

Edited, Dec 11th 2007 8:55am by galapagosiananna
#23 Dec 11 2007 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
EU IP address

Interesting... lulz, keep trying :) might wanna check this place out dummy ninjasurfing . com
I actaully dont believe you are in IAG, i have my own opion on who you are...

Believe dude, you make me lulz, It's just eating you up ain't it, knowing you speak to me most nights in LS chat, and you still can't work out who this is LULZorama.

BTW whats is an "opion"? is it like and onion or something?
Boo hoo their picking on pRick and dbs boo hoo god you sound like a baby

Never defended the man, you might wanna check on what I posted, I thought it was funny tbh.
Cause you know the rules dont apply here in alla you nitwit

OK, not a problem, just remember you said this in the near future...

So let me clarify what your saying, peaches and cream in our LS chat and our forums, but /rant all you like in other peoples, fair enough, if Dreamin and Fuzzywuzzy want IAG to be represented in here by an idiot like yourself, the feel free to carry on posting your /rants, if you wanna kill our LS before we even get started, be my guest, hey if the management ain't bothered why sould I be?

Oh and while we can post freely here, Pace, don't stop walking if Lokikings' behind ya, he'll be so far up your butt with no lube if you stop too fast, and remember Loki, it's a fine line between being friendly and being a rimmer dude, and I think that line has been crossed.

    Think before you post...


I though I had joined a DRAMA FREE LS, seems we bought the drama queen with us.

IAG drama free, till Lokiking posts....and Dreamin does nothing about it...

Edited, Dec 11th 2007 10:09am by IAGrealdeal
#24 Dec 11 2007 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts

where is the drama that i started??????? I just joined in on some drama someone else created...

HAHAHAH your still a coward... keep hiding... i dont care who you are, you are nothing to me just another lil kid hiding behind his computer... Too scared to post your char name, what a shame i might have been able to take you seriously..
But ill be waiting to see the drama "I" created...
#25 Dec 11 2007 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
158 posts

  • you are a coward
    lil *******
    You aint sh*t
    scared lil ***** in hiding
    you lil rat
    you nitwit

  • These words are special Troll Cookiesâ„¢, with chocolate chips and caramel-frosting.
    This particular Troll is a comfort-eater and right now, he is feasting on cookies.

    That being said, the epic lulz in this thread is entertaining.
    So, moar plz!

    #26 Dec 11 2007 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
    Witch hunt is over.

    I know who IAGrealdeal is. Just a person who finally got a real job after 2 years+ of finishing school (or I think it's a real and not a temp job). And he's not even playing the game anymore anyway and certainly not someone in our shell. But if he do decide to come back (I hope he can afford this again), I'll be more than happy to give him a pearl to our shell. We do have all the bootsy tarus that he so enjoyed in the shell now.

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