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Where did the lulz topic go?Follow

#27 Dec 11 2007 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
Witch hunt is over.

You haven't got to look to hard dudes (or is you eyesight failing in you old age?)
I'll make it easy for you Dreamin.

So I won't be requireing a pearl as I already have one thank you.

*sound of bugle* Happy hunting, looks like your gonna have to relight those torches..
See ya'll in game in a bit, [may bee] we'll talk there, but then how will you know? ;) <3 <3 <3

Drama free /shakes head...
#28 Dec 11 2007 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent

Sometime I do miss you in the game though. You should consider coming back. SE is still doing that welcome back thing so chances are you can get your char back.

Seriously, if you come back, we'll make sure to get you settled in the shell. those who are enjoying this witch hunt so far, I'll like to let you know to please pass some of them popcorn this way. Kinda not fair when we do all the work and you guys just sit on the sideline with them popcorn and we get nothing.

Edited, Dec 11th 2007 3:13pm by ADreamKiller
#29 Dec 11 2007 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
/passes Dreamin some pop corn.

got more if any1 wants some.. come chat with us in the chat room IAGrealdeal

no pandas were harmed in creating this post...

Edited, Dec 11th 2007 3:19pm by Lokiking
#30 Dec 11 2007 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
hey "IAGrealdeal",

if you get lonely with no one to chat with anymore, come by, the usual group are still on chat everyday over here.

Edited, Dec 11th 2007 3:20pm by ADreamKiller
#31 Dec 11 2007 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
Oh you guys, you guessed who I am.....

NOT!..... LMAO
Oh you think I'm Chu, you would not belive how far wrong you are, OMG, my sides hurt, Truly epic lulz.
Keep trying ladies, [may bee] you might get it one day.
if you get lonely with no one to chat with anymore, come by, the usual group are still on chat everyday over here

Duh, I know, I am in the LS.

As for lonely, I'll leave that to people who have no girlfriends or atleast can't keep one for more than a few weeks. Although I hear hes now met a lovely lady called Mrs Palmer, who I hear has 5 lovely daughters ;)

Anyway, back to FFXI, I might go see if Lokiking still in crawlers lvling his DNC, see if he look more like a tranny. Nah prolly just go see Ding in there instead, then again, might not :)

#32 Dec 11 2007 at 4:52 PM Rating: Good
265 posts
I certify this drama with 2 gold stars..

Its not epic...

but its lulz...

No LS is drama free. Any LS that claims they are drama free loose all credibility from the start.

The testament, is how does the leaders/sacks/members handle this drama and keep the friendship alive!
#33 Dec 12 2007 at 12:12 AM Rating: Good
265 posts
meh, crap like this is (as I said on the now deleted Alla post) a bit like poking an ant hill. It's not the most mature thing in the world, but it IS a blast to watch all the ants scurry around not knowing they're being manipulated (IMG: BEst part is when I TELL THEM I'm messing with them and they STILL react to it. Ants don't have much in the way of mental faculties ya know. It's kinda like the PvP FFXI never had lmao.

I see your
don't have much in the way of mental faculties

and raise you CLICK ME

and check to your
(dear lord I'm old)

I present to the interwebz more lulz... from the usual drama epicenter of the FF11 interwebz.

More lolDBS forum drama lulz

the usual wall-o-text with replies of wall-o-text.

Anyways, always lulz to listen the moral authority.

Mirror, dreamin, whats his beef with you guys?

You developed a mind of your own? Saw the hypocracy. Saw the total failure? Scared of his epic 40 year old beard?

I'm wondering how long it will be that IAG is shown for the joke they are (and how thier rules don't mean spit).

thats my favorite gem of the week.

Edited, Dec 12th 2007 3:27am by Pace

Edited, Dec 12th 2007 3:27am by Pace
#34 Dec 12 2007 at 2:48 AM Rating: Decent
Morning lulz, exellent.

*Eats breakfast while waiting for Lokikings rimming post to Pace*
#35 Dec 12 2007 at 5:39 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Quoted Text
Anyway, back to FFXI, I might go see if Lokiking still in crawlers lvling his DNC, see if he look more like a tranny. Nah prolly just go see Ding in there instead, then again, might not :)
Quoted Text

lulz stalk much.. Well i guess at least IAG has a fan club
#36 Dec 12 2007 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
lulz stalk much.. Well i guess at least IAG has a fan club

I used to be a fan, not so much now.

BTW When the other neuron you have bumps into the one your useing atm you might work out how to use the Quote function correctly ;)

No praise for Pace, please don't let me down, you know you want to, go on, just a little rimming..

Laterz home boi <3
#37 Dec 12 2007 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
452 posts
/puts ls hat on

Pace, you are right - No LS can ever be completely drama free. Nothing in life can be. But, as a sack for IAG, I will do everything I can to allow my members to play FFXI (ITS A GAME FER CRYIN OUT LOUD) without the "epic drama." Believe it or not, this game is actually pretty damn fun.

My problem with IAGrealdeal is he is trying to inject a little drama in the name of the shell I represent on this forum. If he wanted to bash someone on here as just some regular troll, I'd be cool with that. This is pretty much the home for trolls anyways, right? :p Just don't do it under the banner of an LS. Yeah, Loki's an IAG sack, but he's on here speaking as an individual. I can respect that, because he can stick up for himself.

Last bit - I still don't know if I'd even kick you IAGrealdeal. Until I see it affecting things within the shell, I don't have much of a reason to. I'm not saying I'm happy with your little sideways attacks on Airamis, which you are obviously sticking in here and there to try and provoke both sides.

/takes ls hat off
#38 Dec 12 2007 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
HI this is shuffles, you may know me by my work in commericials, specifically about family christian values.

ok maybe not.

Been reading this and I just want to say.

GROW UP, all of you, well most of you.

I have talked to Rick, I know mirror and loki and everyone else and you all just need to grow up. Especially you IAGrealdeal. Life is too short to hold grudges especially over a game. I dont care what happened in the past, but its the past. Learn to move on.

I know that Pace and I have gone at each other a few times before, but we are adults (you wouldnt know by his drawings) and what do we do, we let it go. This is what mature people do.

IAGrealdeal, you are being a real idiot, loki, you are not helping either. You just keep egging each other on.

No LS will be drama free, but there is no reason not to try and make the best effort, in fact this game really needs it. There is no reason to attack any LS for making this effort.

And IAGrealdeal, no leader of any Linkshell has any right to tell how anyone should act outside the confines of thier linkshell. I know alot of tried, and if they do, who the hell are they to even attempt it.

In fact no leader should have to tell people how to act in the confines of their linkshell, people should just show respect to their fellow players, because its what mature people do. You fight, you make up, you move on.

I am an older person, and it just surprises me how much disrespect and selfishness goes on in this game, it makes me feel sad for the future of this world, that kids have not been brought up with the basics of how one should act towards other people.

I may have fought alot of people in this, and mostly based on the selfishness people have shown, but at least I am proud to say i have never tried to *****, cheat, manipulate anyone in this game. I will accept all jobs equally no matter what their lol status is at the time. Because to me the game is about fun, its not how fast i can lvl, how many exp an hour I can get (as long as its more then the 1.5k my pup gets solo becuase nooen will invite me (sad face).

We have all been noobs at one point, almost all our jobs have been lol at some point. So lets show the new players there is a game to enjoy here because its damn right lonely in the low levels.

Ok, wow did that ever ramble on, and go a bit off topic.

Pace, please take art lessons, those picture would really benefit in a water colours motif.

And to all others, my puppet is lvl 67, yes its gimp job atm, but someone invite me and show me some love. I got one party in 2 months. You know you love me. I taugh my poppo (puppet) how to tea bag.
#39 Dec 12 2007 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good
Who's IAG?

Definitely not lulz-worthy.

*starts casting diaga*
#40 Dec 12 2007 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
158 posts
Man, I need my daily fix. What good is a maintenance if there is no loldrama to keep me entertained?
I don't care where it's from, if it's drama, it's all good.
#41 Dec 12 2007 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
265 posts
its the internetz! its supposed to be fun.

If people take whatever is said on this lolwebsite seriously, then you suck at life and need to quit and wear sweat pants... or grow a beard like airamis.

People dont realize that the highest form of flattery is imitation. So what if some douche makes lolalla account that has your ls name it. Whether his intention are noble or not, hes a troll. hes posting annon, and by the laws of the internet he is a troll. One must not feed a troll, one must ignore a troll. If you engage a troll, then you already lost.

Its really not a big deal, in the grand sceme of things. The only way to win is to laugh at it for what it is and not let it effect you. There is no honor on the internet. There is no morality. only lulz, and epic fail.

In the end, if you want to bring honor, and reputation to your linkshell or group or to self, action not words. Respect is earned not given. And if this concept is befallen to you, do EVERYTHING the opposite of airamis and his lollinkshellkinshipfailthing. etc etc.
(still trying to bait airamis onto this forum! come on gramps i miss your beard)!
Pace, please take art lessons, those picture would really benefit in a water colours motif.

No wai!!!! its modernism at its finest!!!!
#42 Dec 12 2007 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,630 posts
#43 Dec 13 2007 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
Pace, you are right - No LS can ever be completely drama free.

Finaly, we agree on something.


Wow, you finaly picked up on this after 5+years, gratz..

My problem with IAGrealdeal is he is trying to inject a little drama in the name of the shell I represent on this forum.

No I wasn't, I was trying to recruit new members, you guys started it.

Loki's an IAG sack, but he's on here speaking as an individual. I can respect that, because he can stick up for himself.

"he can stick up for himself" well he tries, bless him.
I still don't know if I'd even kick you IAGrealdeal

Are you freaking kidding me, of course you'd kick me, jebus man, I've partied with you enough to know what goes on in your head.

I'm not saying I'm happy with your little sideways attacks on Airamis, which you are obviously sticking in here and there to try and provoke both sides

Sideways attack??? where?
Like I said to Lokiqueen, never defended the man, also never attacked him either, why bother, he left the game 3 months ago.

And finally.... Shuffles..
you may know me by my work in commericials, specifically about family christian values.

*stares at Shuffles*
Just lost my interest right there...

ps, Lokiking..
Just trolling over some of the old posts and I missed this gem
One other thing since you dont know me, NO1 tells me what i can and cant do, i follow the rules of the LS i havent broken a single one

You contradict your self
NO1 tells me what i can and cant do

Then you state straight after..
i follow the rules of the LS i havent broken a single one

Don't think that neuron has quite bumped the other one yet :)

Rules = telling you what to/not to do

One other thing since you dont know me

I so do :) this is what makes it so lulz for me, talk to you later in LS chat ok huns? <3 *huggles*

*mmmm popcorn, someone pass the cola*

Edited, Dec 13th 2007 6:28am by IAGrealdeal
#44 Dec 13 2007 at 5:06 AM Rating: Default
84 posts
lulz sometimes feeding trolls is fun... I guess i just dont understand how do you expect us to take you seriously when you hide? I stand by my statement that you are a spineless coward and i feel sorry for you.. Maybe someday you will grow up, or maybe they will drop.. so when that happens come talk to me, otherwise ill just be sitting here laughing at you...

#45 Dec 13 2007 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
lulz sometimes feeding trolls is fun

You know it.. :)

I guess i just dont understand how do you expect us to take you seriously when you hide? I stand by my statement that you are a spineless coward and i feel sorry for you.. Maybe someday you will grow up, or maybe they will drop.. so when that happens come talk to me, otherwise ill just be sitting here laughing at you...

I hide because of vendictive little girls like yourself, I want to play FFXI with my friends, it just happens I have a lot of friends in IAG.
I tell you who I am, and I'll be firmly booted out... and you'd probably boot my friends too.
I really wanted to make something of IAG, but you guys just couldn't leave a good thing alone. Think of what IAG could have been.

With Curly, Larry and Mo at the helm, it's destined for disaster, all the <3<3, cookies and huggles in game won't make up for what you really are, so I'm just doing what you guys do.

I stand by this statement...Don't you realize that there are enough people to hate in the world already without your working so hard to give us another.

ps. Are your parents siblings?

#46 Dec 13 2007 at 6:28 AM Rating: Default

Think of what IAG could have been.

You obviously not really in the shell nor you understands where and why IAG came about. I started this with the intend of having just 12 people in there (all of them are from my various sets). This goal was achieved in 1 day after it was created. It just mushroomed from there because ppl brought their friends along and they then brought their friends along and it just kinda snowballed from there. So however it goes from this point on forward is really up to what people wants. Think of IAG as your local pub where ppl just come and go anytime they want. Sit and chat if you like, go elsewhere and do what it is that you want to do in this game anytime you want. There's no committment and very few rules.

So please don't "help" me grow the shell, if it grow, greats, if it doesn't, I won't lose sleep over it either. I have the 12 ppl that I want in there when we do things and that's all I wanted.


Pace: you never know how much 'Arts' will be worth in the future.

To everyone else, I'm still waiting for my pop corns. Damit, we work hard here feeding the nameless trolls and we dont' even get fed.
#47 Dec 13 2007 at 6:52 AM Rating: Default
84 posts
ps. Are your parents siblings?

really??? Lol so lets see you are trying to make fun of my sexuality and now my parents, what are you 14? Whats next the "your momma" jokes.. WoW grow up troll
#48 Dec 13 2007 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
Think of IAG as your local pub where ppl just come and go anytime they want.

Is this wise, in my local pub they get drunk and have a fights.

Oooooooohhhhhh wait a minute, now I see the similarity, it's just like the IAGLS and some of it's members, ahh silly me.

I stand corrected :)

I'm busy now. Can I ignore you some other time?
#49 Dec 13 2007 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
OOO gratz Lokiking, you finally worked out how to use the quote boxes, they finally bumped into each other then. Aren't neurons wonderfull.

Hey wait a minute, did you ask Pace how to do it?
#50 Dec 13 2007 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
Kerberoz wrote:
Who's IAG?

Definitely not lulz-worthy.

*starts casting diaga*

His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#51 Dec 13 2007 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
158 posts
:D free /cheer for bsphil :D

P.S. did no one see my lil' joke, or was it just not funny enough to respond to? ; ;
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