Arcanite Club of the Scaled  

Slot:Right Hand
Trials of Atlantis expansion Required
Weapon Skill:Blunt
(Bard, Blademaster, Champion, Druid, Hero, The Way of Arms, The Way of Nature, Warden)
Damage Type:Crush
Magical Bonuses:
  Blunt: +4 pts
  Strength: 33 pts
Item Bonuses:
  Melee Damage: 1%
    vs Reptile, Animal, Plant, Insect
  Melee Combat Speed: 1%
  Style Damage: 2%
    vs Reptile, Animal, Plant, Insect
Magical Ability:
  Function: Dmg-over-time
  Damage per Tick: 64
  Target: Targetted
  Range: 300
  Duration: 20 sec
  Frequency: 4 sec
  Cast Time: instant
  Damage Type: Matter
Damage Modifiers:
  Base DPS: 16.50
  Quality: 99%
  Condition: 100%
Starting Condition:100%
Starting Duration:100%
Default Bonus:35%
Weight:3.00 lbs
Bonus Level:32

Levels of Use:50 - 50
Level Req:50
Level of Proc:50
Last Updated: May 20 02:00:34 2011
Submitted by: Staghorn Moonlance

This item is dropped off monsters

Found in:

Weapon does not have a particle effect.

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