Manaweave Ring  

Magic Level:28
Magical Bonuses:
  Intelligence: 3 pts
Item Bonuses:
  Power Pool: 3%
Starting Condition:100%
Starting Duration:100%
Default Bonus:5%
Weight:0.20 lbs
Bonus Level:7

Level to Attain:27
Levels of Use:27 - 33
Last Updated: Oct 1 00:27:31 2010
This item is dropped off monsters

Found in:

Also dropped by Buccas

Per patch 1.87 (01.11.07)
- All items which previously had +power have been converted to have Power Pool %. Please note this does not affect Randomly Generated Objects (ROG) or crafted items.

Picture for Manaweave Ring

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# Jul 11 2002 at 10:08 PM Rating: Default
Casaubon, I'm a Cabalist like you, 28 lvl.

Any suggestion?

Dhutmose Tuthmosis
28 Cabalist
Vortigern - Italy
# Jul 11 2002 at 10:07 PM Rating: Default
I got this ring from a friend: when I wear it, the power raises up, but Int not, it still remains at 143 (if I wear another ring with Int 4, the Int normally raises to 147).

What's the matter?
# Jul 07 2002 at 4:52 AM Rating: Default
I got one of these while killing Buccas... I tried to wear it but it wouldn't go into any of my slots... is it bugged?

27 Cabalist
# Mar 31 2002 at 6:50 AM Rating: Default
I picked up a couple off of the buccas in Cornwall
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