Major Lethal Poison  

Magic Level:15
Magical Ability:
  Function: Dmg-over-time
  Damage per Tick: 29
  Target: Targetted
  Duration: 20 sec
  Frequency: 4 sec
  Cast Time: 2.00 sec
  Damage Type: Body
Starting Condition:100%
Starting Duration:100%
Default Bonus:0%
Weight:1.00 lbs

Levels of Use:15 - 50
Level Req:15
NPC Price: 06s 65c
Last Updated: Mar 1 02:35:19 2012
Minor Item
This item can be crafted by players:

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Per Patch 1.104 (06.23.10):
The Damage over Time poisons have had their damage values adjusted as follows:
Level 15 - Major Lethal Poison - 20s duration, 4s tick - 29 damage / tick

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