Images from Dark Age of Camelot's Beta test for the Foundations expansion.

Exterior of a Albion Villa:
Front view of an Albion villa.
Albion villa at sunrise.
Side view of an Albion villa showing patio attachment.
Albion villa opposite side garden from patio.
Front view.
View at sunrise.
Side view w/patio.
Other side view.

The villa is placed a top a hill, looking down from the backyard this is the view.
The gardens, with token garden gnome.
A silly little picture of this armswoman pleading with the garden gnome.
View from backyard.
Side garden.
Pleading with garden gnome.

Interior of a Albion Villa:
Numbers on the pictures below correspond with numbers on the floor plan, the numbers indicate where the camera was in the room.

First floor, front door is located on the left side of the screen shot.
Second floor.
Second floor, AC/SC alcove.
1st floor study area.
2nd floor stuffed bird and pixie decor.
3rd floor, looking at master bedroom.
Resting after moving the heavy marble four poster bed.
Basement, throne room. "Yes, my lord."
Looking down into the basement.
3rd floor guest room.

Views around Caerwent:
A house overlooking a lake.
Albion Mansion neighborhood with one lot available.
Looking down on an Albion community.
Albion market area.
Albion lake house.
View of a neighborhood.
To Market.