Images from Dark Age of Camelot's Beta test for the Foundations expansion.

Exterior of a Hibernia Villa:
Hibernian Villa front view.
Hibernian villa at dusk
Hibernia Villa side patio view.
Hibernia side view, no patio.
Front view.
View at dusk.
Side view w/patio.
Other side view.

View from front yard
Side garden.
Resting after working in the gardens.
View from frontyard.
Side garden.
Resting taking in the view.

Interior of a Hibernia Villa:
Numbers on the pictures below correspond with numbers on the floor plan, the numbers indicate where the camera was in the room.

1st floor near front door and stairs.
1st floor, taken from stairs leading up to the 2nd floor.
2nd floor.
Basement room.
Basement room.
2nd floor looking up to 3rd floor.
3rd floor master bedroom.
Basement view from stairs.
3rd floor looking down onto 2nd floor.
3rd floor looking toward stairs.

Views around Meath :
View of Hibernia homes along a lake.
Hibernian Mansion (Darkflame's house).
Neighborhood during a rain storm.
Hibernian Market Place.
Hiberna lake homes.
View of a neighborhood.
To Market.