Golden Scarab Vest
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different Per Patch 1.76: - Players under level 46 will now be prevented from turning in the magical scarab wings to Tey. Per patch 1.88 (3.28.07) - Golden Scarab Vest - Only 25 Scarab Wings are now required to obtain the Magical Scarab-wing Gloves from Tey to pick up the Cursed Scarab-wing Vest. If a player has already turned in 25 or more wings, but has not yet met the previous goal of 50, the player need only turn in one more wing to obtain the gloves. - Golden Scarab Vest - The Cursed Scarab-Wing Vest will now spawn more frequently. Below is the begining information for the Artifact Golden Scarab Vest, if you know more information please send it in . Bence made the Vest to protect Helenia. Helenia was wearing the vest when she died, holding the stone(s) of atlantis. The warrior she was to trade them with took the stones and left her trapped to die where she was. Bence then cursed the vest for eternity, or until somebody figured out how to lift the curse. You need atleast neutral Mau faction for this. Travel to the main mua town and speak with Tey, Tey will tell you to go get 25 Magic Scarab Wings. Head to loc= 55k, 45k in the Land of Atum and begin killing the Prism Winged Scarabs for their wings. (other good locations to hunt for the wings is Stygia 17k, 9k and Stygia 7k, 10k(a better spot).) When you have all 50 Magic Scarab Wings head back to Tey and hand them by one. Tey will then give you a pair of gloves that will allow you to pick up the cursed vest. Once you pick up the vest the gloves will disintergrate and the vest will become uncursed. Scrolls: Bence's Letter 1 of 3 -- dropped from a mausekhmet nomad and Setians. Per patch 1.68: - Bence's Letter, 1 of 3 was dropping from rare and difficult to reach mobs. The scroll has been added to setian sandscryers, setian tremorlings, and setian sandstrutters that are more accessible and common. Bence's Letter 2 of 3 off Setians Bence's Letter 3 of 3 -- dropped from Moktar(named setian located in Stygian Delta in a small tomb, approx loc 15k, 30k) also dropped from a setian sandscryer in Land of Atum Dialog from combining the 3 scrolls: All stealth classes (minus minstrels), bard, berserker, savages and blademasters The Golden Scarab Vest takes about 80M exp per 1% or ~8 Billion exp. per level. (Earns exp: Slaying Atlantean scarabs) Artifact also levels from RvR and mobs in ToA Outdoors, as per patch 1.71. Rewards: |