Melos Alliance
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different Per patch 1.84: - The Melos Alliance, 30-39: The faction reward for this quest was increased. Players only need to complete the quest once to receive the required faction amount. - The Melos Alliance, 40-50: The faction reward for this quest was increased. Players only need to complete the quest once to receive the required faction amount. Speak with Mylia found on the center island of Mesothalassa (loc=36k, 36k). She will send you to kill the following: Palios Statue - 14, 45 and 14, 36 - Oceanus Hesperos Barracuda at loc= 26, 63 in Oceanus Hesperos Cerek - loc=2, 57 in Oceanus Hesperos The mobs you will have to kill will vary person to person. Other mobs reported as possible kill options: Net Ripper Barracuda: Need the backbone, loc: 25,41 and 64,37 Large Eel: need the skin, loc 63,62 Redtail Triton: need fin, loc 26,13 Zenas (leopard shark): need tooth, loc 12,49 Diver Ray: loc 41600, 38400 blue-side shark: need pearl loc=12, 48.6 Cynth, named skinner octopus, need aquamarine eye of Cynth, loc=10.2, 49.2 At the start of the quest you will be given a token that will allow you to use a hammerhead shark for transportation (just the one the token specifies, not all) received 9 gold and a breathing potion. Another take on this quest (submitted by: Burger): Beginning npc Mylia on large island in Mesothalassa. three paragraphs of tale leading up to quest. # 1) Give coin to neriad just west of mylia under water. # 2) Get a backbone from a net ripper barracuda near where the hammerhead shark ( your ride to Oceanus hesperos) drops you off. Forgot to get exact location. # 3)Get a skin from a large eel. Location 37367,51287. # 4) Get a triton tail from a red triton. Location 20479,13200 # 5) Get a tooth froma named leopard shark ZENAS. Approx location 12800,51000. # 6) /use any of thes items to create a staff. # 7)Return to Mylia via volcanus ship. Reward in level 40 breathing potion and some gold. All beasts were blue to a level 50 thane. Reward: |