Missing Bard
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different Note: Per patch 1.66 Sylvan are not eligible for this quest. Talk to Illaliel to begin the quest. 1) Next speak with Bilin (or Maire depends on what Illaliel tells you). You can find him on the shore near the north side of the Connla bridge. 2) Bilin sends you to find O'Rourke, you can find him at loc=21K,58K (also seen at loc=19K, 59K)in Shannon Estuary 3) After speaking with O'Rourke follow him back to to Connla, keeping up with him as he tends to stop periodically to make sure you are still with him. 4) When you finally reach Connla, O'Rourke tells you that he needs you to go back to Olli valley (where you found him) and retrieve his flute for his Mom (Marie)from Arracht, a named Ollipheist. 5) Arracht tends to wander around the area you found O'Rourke (has been seen at loc's: 21K 58K, 19K 59K and 16K 57K) Kill Arracht and retrieve the Flute for O'Rourke's mom. 6) Head back to Connla and give the Flute to Maire. You will receive some gold and exp. ( a lvl 43 received around 10million exp; lvl 50 received 500,000 experience and 5 silver. Champion level experience gained: 5) 7) Now head back to Argadh and let Illaliel know that O'Rourke is /say O'Rourke is fine. Note: only Champions receive the reward of the Imbedded Greatsword Reward: |