The Missing Ingredient
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different Tysholt, Abandoned Mines, loc. 22648, 23414, 19228 Pre-req: Tysholt's Home Brew, level 27-29 quest. There is still one ingredient missing to Tysholt's home made brew. You need to fill 3 vials with the blood of raging and noxious gargoyles in Glashtin Forge. Tysholt gives you a map and 3 empty vials to use. Zone into Glashtin Forge and /USE the map Tysholt gave you to find the gargoyles. The map reads, 'Inside the forge, head up the stairs to the first forge room where you'll turn east. In the next room, take the south tunnel to the main forge area. Follow the main forge wall to the east to the first archway and go east. There should be some noxious and raging gargoyles in the first room to the north'. Gargoyle room is loc. 26805, 23207. Kill 3 gargoyles to fill all 3 vials with blood. Return to Tysholt and give him the full vials. You are awarded 39,500,000 exp! You are awarded 81 silver and some copper! At level 35 lvl 36 received 49,000,000 exp |