Lesson: Enemies of the Realm
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different Speak with Loremistress Lilesa in Audliten loc=4993,21632 East Svealand Story: You will not be long for this world, (Your Race), if you do not educate yourself as to the nature of your nemeses. To know your adversary is to have the advantage in combat. My sisters and I are realm scholars, each of us experts on the indigenous peoples of Albion, Hibernia, and our glorious realm of Midgard. We have much to teach you, so listen and learn well, for what we have to teach is of the utmost importance. Summary: Speak with Loremistress Lilesa, Vinalma, and Enarii in the clearing northeast of Huntress Kyrelda to learn about the peoples of Albion, Hibernia, and Midgard. Quest Goal: Speak with Loremistress Lilesa. Loremistress Lilesa says, "The ability to identify your foe on the field of battle is a considerable factor in achieving victory. Often, the outcome of an engagement is decided by ones knowledge and understanding of the many [races] of your enemy realms." Loremistress Lilesa says, "Let us not waste time. I have long studied the insidious peoples of Albion and I am able to provide you with information on the races which you will [encounter] during your battles." Loremistress Lilesa says, "Please choose the race about which you would care to learn. [Britons] [Highlanders] [Avalonians] [Saracens] [Inconnu] [Half Ogres] [Korazh]" Loremistress Lilesa says, "Native to Albion, Britons are a hearty, adaptable people with the ability to succeed in any profession or discipline. They make up the bulk of Albion's forces and remain steadfast in their loyalty to the late King Arthur. Britons are able to train to be the following classes: Armsman, Mercenary, Reaver, Cleric, Friar, Paladin, Scout,Infiltrator, Minstrel, Heretic, Mauler, Wizard, Cabalist, Theurgist, Sourcerer, Necromancer. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Lilesa says, "Once at odds with the Britons, these strong and able bodied clansfolk have come to the lowlands of Albion to defend against their common enemies. Highlanders are easy to recognize by the tartans they wear in battle. Highlanders are able to train to be the following classes: Armsman, Paladin, Minstrel, Cleric, Friar, Mercenary. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Lilesa says, "Said to be touched by the same arcane essence that empowers the Elves of Hibernia, this tall, fair race of humans has a strong affinity for the magical arts. They have come from the Isle of Avalon to aid the heirs of Arthur. Avalonians are able to train to be the following classes: Armsman, Paladin, Theurgist, Cleric, Wizard, Sorcerer, Friar, Mercenary, Cabalist, Heretic. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Lilesa says, "Following in the footsteps of the first Saracen Knight, Sir Palomides, many men and women from the nomadic desert tribes have found their home in Albion. They are a dark-skinned people know for their feats of agility and stealth. Saracens are able to train to be the following classes: Armsman, Paladin, Mistrel, Scout, Sorcerer, Infiltrator, Mercenary, Cabalist, Reaver, Necromancer. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Lilesa says, "Natives of the underworld and servants of its king, Arawn, the Inconnu have joined the battle at their Lords' behest to gain Albion's favor in their struggles to free Avalon City from its invaders. The Inconnu are easily recognizable by their small frames, pale blue skin and black eyes. They are apt in the arts of necromancy, but are a versatile race capable of mastering many professions. Inconnu are able to train to be the following classes: Armsman, Reaver, Scout, Sorcerer, Infiltrator, Mercenary, Cabalist, Necromancer, Mauler. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Lilesa says, "Hailing from the Isle of Avalon, this half-breed race is as intelligent as they are strong and are capable of mastering the arcane arts as well as becoming fighters of great renown. Half Ogres are able to train to be the following classes: Armsman, Theurgist, Wizard, Sorcerer, Mercenary, Cabalist. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Lilesa says, "The Korazh, distinguishable by their bull-like heads atop powerful human bodies, are the remnants of an ancient civilization that have made their homes in Albion. Korazh are combative by nature and do not shy away from any clash of arms. Korazh are able to train to be the following classes: Armsman, Mercenary, Heretic, Mauler." Quest Goal: Speak with Loremistress Vinalma. Loremistress Vinalma says, "So it is the heathenous people of Hibernia you seek to study? You have come to the right place my friend. I have devoted many years to the study of this strange land and its [inhabitants]. I will be able to help you." Loremistress Vinalma says, "Please choose the race about which you would care to learn. [Celts] [Firbolgs] [Elves] [Lurikeen] [Sylvan] [Shar] [Graoch]" Loremistress Vinalma says, "The Celts are a warlike tribe of Hibernian people who are know for their ferocity in battle. With a versatility that allows them to master nearly any fighting style, they are known to strike fear into their enemies by charging wildly into battle with tattoos of woad across their faces. Celts are able to train to be the following classes: Hero, Champion, Blademaster, Nightshade, Ranger, Vampiir, Valewalker, Druid, Bard, Warden, Mentalist, Animist, Bainshee, Mauler. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Vinalma says, "Firbolgs are the oldest of the living Hibernian races. Their people ruled over those lands for countless centuries. The are a strong human-like race that make exceptional fighters and masterful musicians. The Firbolg are able to train to be the following classes: Hero, Blademaster, Valewalker, Druid, Bard, Warden, Animist. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Vinalma says, "A race of tall and slender people not unlike the svartalfs we know, the Elves effortlessly channel magical energy. As such, they make excellent mages. They are also graceful and dexterous, allowing them to excel in areas of subtlety and archery. Elves are able to train to be the following classes: Champion, Blademaster, Nightshade, Ranger, Mentalist, Bainshee, Eldritch, Enchanter. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Vinalma says, "Mischievous, quick, and small, although the Lurikeen often act as scouts for the armies of Hibernia, many are also attracted to the mystical runic arts. Others sometimes choose to serve as fighters on the front lines of battle, relying on their great speed and dexterity to offset their diminutive size. The Lurikeen are able to train to be the following classes: Hero, Champion, Nightshade, Ranger, Vampiir, Enchanter, Eldritch, Mentalist, Binshee, Mauler. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Vinalma says, "Native to HyBrasil, the Sylvans have allied with the races of Hibernia to combat the threat of the Fomorians, as well as Midgard and Albion. They are a Dryad-type creature that has a faint resemblance to the trees they inhabit. Though their affinity with nature makes them easily adaptable to any healing role, they are versatile enough to make fair fighters and decent healers. Sylvan are able to train to be the following classes: Hero, Warden, Druid, Valewalker, Animist. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Vinalma says, "The Shar have come to the aid of Hibernia at the behest of their queen. Elves believe them to be evil, but the Shar have adapted well to the land of Hibernia and their intentions seem sincere. Shar make excellent fighters, but some also choose to follow the path or magic or stealth. Shar are able to train to be the following classes: Hero, Blademaster, Champion, Vampiir, Ranger, Mentalist. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Vinalma says, "The Graoch, distinguishable by their bull-like heads atop powerful human bodies, are the remnants of an ancient civilization that have made their homes in Hibernia. Graoch are combative by nature and do not shy away from any clash of arms. Groach are able to train to be the following classes: Hero, Blademaster, Warden, Mauler. Quest Goal: Speak with Loremistress Enari. Loremistress Enari says, "Ah, the fine people of Midgard. Quite a refreshing field of study, if I do say so myself. I would be very pleased to advance your understanding of our glorious home realm and the various [races] that inhabit it." Loremistress Enari says, "Please choose the race about which you would care to learn. [Norsemen] [Trolls] [Dwarves] [Kobold] [Valkyn] [Frostalf] [Deifrang] Loremistress Enari says, "The Norse people are a stout race, hardened by the harsh landscape and cold winters of Midgard. They will fervently fight any invaders who threaten their land. They are adaptable and are able to learn all styles of fighting and most types of magic. Norsemen are able to train to be the following classes: Warrior, Berserker, Savage, Thane, Skald, Shadowblade, Hunter, Healer, Spiritmaster, Runemaster, Warlock, Mauler. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Enari says, "Trolls emerged from the mountains of Midgard to help their friends, the Norsemen. Trolls are large fearsome creatures with a strong constitution and natural strength which makes them excellent fighters for the realm. Trolls are able to train to be the following classes: Warrior, Berserker, Savage, Thane, Skald, Shaman, Bonedancer. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Enari says, "The oldest race in Midgard, Dwarves are steadfast in their devotion to the elder gods and finer ales, and are the backbone of Midgard's armies. Originally from deep caverns beneath the earth, this durable race lives and fights alongside the other races of Midgard against the forces of Hibernia and Albion. They are equally good at fighting, healing or hunting. Dwarves are able to train to be the following classes: Warrior, berserker, Savage, Hunter, Thane, Skald, Shaman, Healer, Runemaster. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Enari says, "The Kobolds are a slight and dexterous race. Though small in stature, they have dedicated themselves to the defense of Midgard from the invading forces of Albion and Hibernia. Sneaky and difficult to detect due to their size, they are often employed to scout out the enemy or strike without being seen. Their inherent skills with mystical runic arts also make them some of the most skilled casters of the realm. Kobold are able to train to be the following classes: Warrior, Savage, Skald, Shadowblade, Hunter, Spiritmaster, Runemaster, Warlock, Bonedancer, Shaman, Mauler. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Enari says, "Having revolted against the oppressive rule of their brutal Morvalt lords on their homeland of Aegir, the Valkyn now fight alongside their Midgard allies against the forces of Hibernia and Albion. They are a tribal people who excel in the arts of fighting and stealth. They were responsible for teaching the people of Midgard how to call upon the bones. Valkyn are able to train to be the following classes: Warrior, Berserker, Savage, Shadowblade, Hunter, Bonedancer. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Enari says, "The Frostalf are distant relatives of the Svartalfar who had been sent into exile long ago. What started as a chance encounter turned into a cohesive alliance, and the Frostalf people have chosen to unite with the races of Midgard to protect their homeland from the Hibernian and Albion invaders. Frostalfs are able to train to be the following invaders: Thane, Healer, Shaman, Shadowblade, Hunter, Runemaster, Spiritmaster, Warlock. Would you like to [choose] another race?" Loremistress Enari says, "The Deifrang, distinguishable by their bull-like heads atop powerful human bodies, are the remnants of and ancient civilization that have made their homes in Midgard. Deifrang are combative by nature and do not shy away from any clash of arms. Deifrang are able to train to be the following classes: Warrior, Thane, Berserker, Mauler. Quest Goal: Return to Loremistress Lilesa. Story: Quite a lesson, wouldn't you say? You may return to us at any time to refresh your information on our despicable yet formidable foes. Farewell noble (Your Race). Basic Rewards: Full Buffs Token (will need to hand in to a Realm Enhancement merchant to activate.) 92silver 86 copper Reward: |