The Forest Plot
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different You must have positive faction with Mist Hunters! Locate Rob Ria in Forest Sauvage at loc of 60k, 30k (New Frontiers loc=557035,39352.SE of Excalibur in the woods.The Grim is just outslde Snowdonia Keep on left just down the hill. The Awarnite Shamanees is outside Snow keep on right. First camp fire you come to. The Gytrash is SW of Boldiam tower 3, spawn at 8 PM in the woods) He will ask you to kill a gytrash in Pennine Mountains at loc loc= 21418,11817,8049 dir=246 12am-6am they, con yellow at 40. Then you will need to kill a Awarnite Shamaness in Snowdonia. Shamaness can be charmed which may help you. Go back to Rob Ria for your reward! Reward: |