Magical Disturbances  

Start Zone: Domnann
Start NPC:Miach
Shrouded Isle expansion Required
Min Level:3
Max Level:5
Grants XP:Yes
Grants Coin:Yes
(Average from 4 ratings)
Related NPCs:
  Tangle Weed
Last Updated:Wed Nov 5 18:47:04 2003
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different

Miach says, "We could use your help again, with the young grove trees we are growing. We cultivate the grove trees, and grow them as our homes, naturally, without hurting them. It seems the growth is being [disturbed]."

Miach says, "I'm not sure what it is, but Liisu would like our help again."

Dialog box: Will you aid Liisu and find the source of this disturbance?

You have been given the Magical Disturbances quest.

Miach says, "Great! Speak to Liisu then. She's very disturbed about this whole thing!"

[Step #1] Talk with Liisu in the Grove of Domnann about the strange things going on in the grove.

Liisu says, "Have you decided to help me? I figured I could count on you. You see, there is a natural balance we maintain with nature. We use our magic to form the grove trees. We were trying to grow a grove of young trees into a new residence. It was working fine. Now, though, something is [disturbing] this magic!"

Liisu says, "Yes. The grove trees just aren't growing right! Some of them seem to be growing toward a malformed state! I'm not sure what it is! We don't think it's another form of magic interfering with it, since we can't detect any. We don't even know if it's intentional! But it's hurting the groves, and interfering with our magic! We've got to stop it! I've gone to [Aapo], for his help!"

Liisu says, "Yes, Aapo is the Druid envoy, sent to help us from the Druid Court. He's worked on a way to help us locate the source of all the disruption. He said I should send you to him. He will tell you how you can help."

[Step #2] Speak to Aapo, in the Grove of Domnann.

Aapo says, "Ah, has [Liisu] sent you to me?"

Aapo says, "Ah, is it wonderful to be here, Forester, amongst the [Sylvan]?"

Aapo says, "Right. The groves are being disturbed somehow, and nobody knows how. I've seen this sort of thing before, though, and may have an idea of what's going on. You see, a long time ago, nature in Hibernia got twisted. All things were affected; plantsm animals, and even us, the Celts! Sometimes, the land reacts to evil. It senses evil, and occasionally, the result is an [abomination] of what is normal."

Aapo says, "Nature became twisted. Creatures turned malevolent. The very trees turned horrific creatures of destruction. This was a very long time ago, and even still, some of these creatures remain! I believe the evil of the fomorian has done this to the creatures of Hy Brasil. I believe that one of these [twisted] creatures may be somehow disturbing the balance between the natural magic of the groves and the natural magic of the Sylvan."

Aapo says, "I've fashioned this item for you. Wear it, and seek out any of the creatures of the area. When the necklace starts glowing, you will know you are near. I would like to give you a greater idea of what you seek, but I can't. Wear the necklace. It will [guide] you."

You receive a necklace from Aapo!

Aapo says, "I do believe the tangleweeds may be disturbing the groves. Perhaps they are digging into the roots of the grove trees. If I am correct, I will need two of the tangle weeds, to study."

[Step #3] Wear the item the druid gave you, and find the tangleweed, generally found just outside the gates of Domnann, down the hill.

Tangleweeds are just outside the gate, no need to go down the hill.

[Step #4] Kill the two tangleweeds eating the grove roots.

You receive a tangleweed from the tangle weed!
You receive a tangleweed from the tangle weed!

[Step #5] Return the weeds to the druid.

Aapo says, "Ah. Good to see you! Did you get the tangleweeds? They are strangling the roots of the new grove trees. It's a sad state Hy Brasil is in. Well, then, give me the first tangleweed."

Give Aapo the first tangleweed.

Aaop says, "Ah. Hand me the second tangleweed."

[Step #5 (again)] Turn in the second tangleweed.

Aapo says, "Great. Now, here. I need you to go to the grove trees that these tangleweeds fed off of, and spread this mixture of leaves and seeds. It will help heal some of the roots, and also plant new grove trees. If you don't know how to use the seeds, speak to Mirari. Tell her you need [instructions]."

You receive magical seeds from Aapo!

[Step #6] Take the magical seeds and spread it in the grove. Talk to your trainer if you don't know how to [use the items].

Use the E key to spread your seeds around.

You attempt to use the magical seeds.
You use the magical seeds.
The seeds scatter through the air in a magical burst of golden leaves and magical lights.

[Step #7] Let Aapo know you spread the magical seeds.

Aapo says, " Ah. Well, I've learned that not only tangleweeds, but lost shrillers, have been affecting the groves! Well, others have helped me with the lost shrillers. Did you spread the [magical seeds]?"

Aapo says, "Great! I heartily thank you. It's been a rough time, what with the tangleweeds spreading! Here, take this coin, it should aid you. Again, I thank you. Now the grove trees will have a better chance of growing!"

You are awarded 160 experience!
You have finished the Magical Disturbances quest.
You are awarded 12 silver and some copper!

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Using the seeds
# Aug 14 2003 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
Due to some vague wording I had a rough time getting the seeds to spread. The exact method is to hotkey the magical seeds from your inventory then to 'use item' (E by default) then the hotkey of the seeds (one or the other does nothing).
# Jul 22 2003 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
i had to kill lost shrillers
# May 27 2003 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Read the walk through, have to use the E key to spread them.
# May 08 2003 at 6:56 PM Rating: Default
niether can i, i dont get it, ive tried everything (i think)
# Apr 28 2003 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
I have tried and tried to use these crazy magical seeds and never have met with success. I can't get my trainer to tell me how to use them, either. :-/ Frustrating.
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