Clustering News

Killibury Cluster Coming Down:
We need to bring the Killibury Cluster down immediately.  Approximate downtime will be 3 hours as we work to correct issues with the Housing zones.  We apologize for the inconvenience and will do our best to get the Killibury Cluster up as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience!  We'll update here as soon as we have some more info.
Clustering Notes:
Killibury is back, and is now clustered with Tintagel! For now, we’re calling the new cluster “Killibury”.  Clever, eh? Here are some important things you should know while playing on the new and improved Killibury cluster.

 - With the clustering of Tintagel and Killibury, we have reset all realm population bonuses.  At this time all three realms will have 5 days to a free level and the bonuses associated with it.

A note from CS about the loss of the Roleplay Ruleset, and past violations based upon it:

It is against our policies for In Game Support to retro-actively reverse any previous action taken against an account for any type of Roleplay violation. This would include, but is not limited to: RP Naming violations and RP Communication violations. If your account has previously had action taken against it for any RP violations, please do not contact Customer Service to request a reversal.

Chatting Tips:

 - A player may send another player who is on a different server a tell using the command /send playername-server

For example:

Character Dave on Gawaine wants to send character Alex, who is on Guinevere a message. He types /send Alex-Guinevere hello, and Alex receives the message Dave-Gawaine sends “hello”

 - A player may also send another player who is on a different server a tell using the command /send player-first letter of server.  However, this rule has an important caveat:  when two servers share an abbreviation the message will default to the server which is first alphabetically.

So Dave, again on Gawaine, wants to send Alex, again on Guinevere another message.

He types /send Alex-G hello, but this time Alex does not receive the message, and Dave sees the response: Alex is not in the game or in another realm. But if Dave types /send Alex-Gui hello, Alex will see the message Dave-Gawaine sends “hello”.

 - A player who wishes to ignore another player must type the full server after the name of the player whom he is ignoring.

/ignore Dave-Gawaine will allow someone to ignore Dave.

/ignore Dave-G means he will continue to pester you with noob questions.

- Sends do not need to be case-sensitive as long as you are following the rules above.


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