Play on Mordred Weekend

Wanna try something new this weekend? Then check this out:
In an attempt to pique interest in the Mordred (PvP) server in light of recent ruleset changes in patch 1.93, Daamien, the Mordred Team Lead, is organizing a Play on Mordred Weekend.

Who: Everyone; veterans and new players alike.
What: Participate in any aspect of the server, the idea is to have fun and have perhaps a different DAoC experience than you are accustomed to.
Where: Mordred (PvP) Server.
When: Saturday and Sunday, April 5-6th.
Why: To enjoy a different aspect of the game and aid the server's population.
How: Load up Dark Age of Camelot, select the Mordred (PvP) server, select or create a new character from any realm, and start playing.

Tell your friends about the event and try to coordinate some groups. Spend anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours on the server. If you have already retired from the game, then simply utilize the Free 14 Day Trial to participate! Keep in mind that the Free 14 Day Trial now includes the Catacombs Expansion for no additional fee, which can be downloaded in full here.

Daamien, the Mordred Team Lead, will be sitting in Camelot on his character Daamien providing Welcome to Mordred Goodie Bags which include some cash and other goodies to anyone who needs a little helping hand to get started. Many more free items may be found on Daamien's personal house consignment merchant and Vault 1 at Hibernian House 3656. Please take whatever you need and donate whatever you can! Daamien will also be providing 1 platinum per week as part of a Mordred Homestead initiative to players who achieve over 200,000 Realm Points per week and are not suspected of cheating through Realm Point farming. This initiative may be revised at a later time.

The Mordred Team Lead is also hosting the following competition on Sunday, April 6th, starting at 5:00 PM ET:

Resurrection Marathon:
  • The player with the most deathblows against the target will be rewarded 5 platinum.
  • The player with the most resurrections on the target will be rewarded 5 platinum.
  • The player who resurrects the target across the finish line will be rewarded 5 platinum.
  • Players who are under level 10 are disqualified from this event, due to the immunity flag.
  • If the target autoreleases, then the game finishes and the only reward will be the 5p for most resurrections.
  • Resurrections must be made on the road path.
  • The road path will start at Camelot East Gate and finish at Castle Sauvage.
  • The finish line will be the South door of Castle Sauvage.
  • The target player who you will kill and resurrect will be Daamien, Level 50 Celt Druid played by the Mordred Team Lead
  • The target will walk slowly encumbered along the path until the deaths and resurrections begin.
  • Once the event is over rewards will be distributed by Daamien in Camelot at the Round Table.

Quick Tips Regarding Mordred:

Places safe to exp at lower levels:
  • Tomb of Mithra: levels 1 to 23 (No PvP)
  • Nisse’s Lair: levels 1 to 28 (No PvP)
  • Muire Tomb: levels 1 to 31 (No PvP)
  • Spraggon Den: levels 1 to 35
  • Cursed Tomb: levels 1 to 32
  • Keltoi Fogou: levels 1 to 41
  • Vendo Caves: levels 1 to 44
  • Koalinth Caverns: levels 1 to 32
  • Catacombs of Cardova: levels 1 to 45
Places without PvP enabled:
  • Camelot
  • Tir Na Nog
  • Jordheim
  • Housing Zones
  • Ruins of Atlantis
More useful information:
  • If you need to go AFK for a long time make sure that you are either bound in a major city or housing or that you go AFK in a major city or housing.
  • Don’t get caught up in frustration and arguments. If you are not having fun log off or go somewhere else
  • Save everything you find in PvE. You can have it salvaged and trinketed if it is a piece of armor or a weapon by a crafter. Mordred does not have as much money as on other servers yet prices for items can be very expensive. Try to be frugal
  • Generally make sure the person or group who is resurrecting you is trustworthy or make sure they resurrect you near a place where you can zone away or bind
  • Learn which classes to avoid and which classes to kill.
  • /release city is your friend. If you are being chain ganked by someone and they are at your bind point and just sticking you waiting for your timer to expire and killing you again... just leave (/release city). Don't keep doing a normal /release. It's time to move on and find a new spot.
List of commands specific to Mordred:
  • /WHO – reduced functionality on PvP servers (/who does not give location or level on Mordred)
  • /SAFETY OFF – turns off your low-level PvP safety flag. (There is no /SAFETY ON. This is not a bug.)
  • /CRAFT REALMNAME – items of the given realm will appear as options for you to craft.
  • /GC ENEMYADD GUILDNAME – add a guild to your guild’s enemy list (guild leader only)
  • /GC ENEMYREMOVE GUILDNAME – remove a guild from your guild’s enemy list (guild leader only)
  • /GC FRIENDADD GUILDNAME – add a guild to your guild’s friendly list (guild leader only)
  • /GC FRIENDREMOVE GUILDNAME - remove a guild from your guild’s friendly list (guild leader only)
List of things generally different from RvR servers:
  • 300% bonus to experience in classic zones and dungeons
  • 200% bonus to experience in all non-classic zones and dungeons
  • 200% bonus to coins in all zones
  • Realm = Guild
  • There are Porters at nearly all cities and throughout the Frontiers
  • There is only one ToA for the entire server
  • There are no Frontier Battlegrounds
  • Darkness Falls dungeon is open to everyone
  • You are able to log your character at a Frontier Keep and log back in without being moved to a ‘safe area’
  • You drop a bag of coins worth equivalent to 3 constitution points when killed in PvP combat which can be looted only by you and the person/group that did the majority of damage to you. This money is not drawn from your inventory. Speak with a Healer to restore your constitution.
  • There are no alliances on Mordred or alliance chat, only ‘Friendly’ guilds who can still be attacked
  • A player who has been killed will have a 2 minute ‘PvP Immunity Timer’ during which they can not be attacked or attack others
  • A player who enters a new zone which requires a loading screen or who logs back into the game will have a 30 second ‘PvP Immunity Timer’
  • You can click on a player to tell if they are ‘worth’ or not. Being ‘worth’ means that if you or your group kills them you will be rewarded with Realm and Bounty Points (RPs and BPs)
  • A player who has been killed in PvP combat will not be ‘worth’ RPs to the same killer for 15 minutes
  • A player who has been killed in PvP combat will not be ‘worth’ RPs to anyone else for 5 minutes
  • Players can not attack others players but can be attacked if they have less than 3 constitution points
  • If you ‘coned’ grey to someone who kills you they will not receive RPs for the kill and you will not lose constitution points from the kill
  • Negative Area Effect spells will affect everyone not in the same group, guild or battlegroup
  • Positive Area Effect spells except healing will effect everyone around you
  • There is no in-game updated Frontiers Warmap
  • You do not earn RPs for healing outside of traditional "RvR zones"
  • You are not allowed to heal players who are not in your guild or group
  • Task Dungeons are not enabled on Mordred
  • Player titles do not display correctly on Mordred

Remember to use /region and /advice if you need any help. Furthermore, message Daamien at anytime if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. Thanks and enjoy!

PLEASE NOTE: This event is sponsored solely by our Mordred TL. It will not be moderated, attended, or sanctioned in any way by EA Mythic.


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