The Grab Bag

It's here, it's here, the weekly grab bag is here ! Check out this weeks edition below to see what questions have been weighing heavy on several player's minds:

Q. I was browsing housing merchants, and saw a ring called the ‘Inconnu Fell Gem Ring’. Since there was only one on the market, I was curious as to what exactly drops it? I have looked everywhere, but yet nobody seems to know, nor can I find it.

A. With a gem of an answer the Lady of the Jewels responds: This ring appears to be a rare drop from granite giant callers in Dartmoor.

Q. I hear the word balance used a lot. I was wondering just exactly what that means. Does it mean there is a class like each other in each realm, that for each classes skill that some other class in another realm has the same skill, or does it mean that my class can go up against any other class of equal level and have an equal chance of winning?

A. When one uses the word ‘balance’ I knew it was the Balancinator who had the answer: It means balance between the realms and not individuals. It does not necessarily mean parity between classes or even realms. We like to keep certain skills equally available between realms, but there are differences that add flavor.

Q. Is the tutorial on entrance to the game with a newly created character mandatory or did I just miss the check box?

A. Smiling to herself the Lady of the Jewels has good news for you: All players now automatically start in the Tutorial Zone. If you do not wish to stay there, simply run out of the keep and into town and speak to the Channeler there. They will take you to the gates of your realm's capital. Be sure to bind in the new location, or when you release you will be returned to the Tutorial Zone.

Q. I recently started a 3 man group on the classic server with a few friends and I noticed after playing a Bard/Minstrel that my Skald's speed song seems to be slower than bard or minstrel's speed song, because even while sprinting they always seems to catch me a few steps down the road. I’m not sure if there is another factor that might be causing this, thanks for your help and time looking over this question.

A. With a resounding nod of his head the Equalizer confirms: All three song classes share the same speed increase on all five levels of their speed spell.

Q. Hello, I've been searching your whole site now, and VN Boards too, and I still don’t know if you are going to add "Spellcraft" to the origin servers?

A. Our Lady of the Jewels says yes: As of this time, we plan to include Spellcrafting on the Origins ruleset. As always, we welcome any feedback on what our players would like to see included or excluded for Origins.

Q. I seem to be having a lot of trouble with /ignore not working for region chat, and it’s really annoying! Is there any way to ignore someone in region?

A. With a quick check the Equalizer says: There is an issue with /ignore not functioning correctly, and this issue is currently in our tracker. However, players can still ignore other players in region chat by using the following two commands:

/ignore playername
/ignore playername-fullservername

So, if you wanted to ignore player Bob on Gareth, you would enter:

/ignore Bob
/ignore Bob-Gareth

This will prevent you from seeing any chat or emotes from Bob in all channels.

Q. Greetings, I've been attending and running my own TG raids since the new TG vests have been updated. Did they change any of the drop lists for the King/Queen/Jailer/Hurika/Torst? For example I know that Hurika used to drop the Shadowblade vest, while Torst used to drop the Hunter vest, among others. I'd like to confirm if they changed any of their drop lists because after many successful raids I haven't seen the sb/hunter vests drop from Hurika/Torst. Maybe its just bad luck. Thanks!

A. The Lady of the Jewels took a moment to explain: The loot of any monster in Tuscaran Glacier who drops the class specific vests was updated at the same time as the King and the Queen. The chance for these vests to be dropped was not changed however, so they still only have a random chance to drop.

Q. Hello, was wondering if the Champion line parry insta buff stacked with the parry ability a class already has. The other defense insta buffs in the CL lines say specifically in delve that they do not stack with the defensive skill you already possess, but the parry one does not mention this. I was wondering if this was a bug or if it does indeed stack?

A. After some testing, the Equalizer found this out for you: This ability will replace any existing parry ability that your character has with the value of this ability, and the lack of this information in the delve of this ability is a bug. This has been entered into our tracker - thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Q. Will siege merchants still be available on the Origins ruleset or will we be back to the old days of the conveyor belt of characters hauling wood for repairs from Cotswold to the Relic/Border Keeps? Will siege be left as it is (with apparatuses, etc.) or back to the old style of having all pieces put together for final deployment?

A. I waited in line to ask the Lady of the Jewels this one: The plan at this time is to include siege merchants. As far as the actual deployment of siege is concerned, we are considering a system similar to the apparatuses of current Siegecraft, or to the old diminutive siege. At the same time, however, we would exclude several of the levels of siege on the Origins rule set, leaving two or three choices for each type, and we would not require a separate tradeskill to be leveled up to make and deploy siege.

Q. I have not seen this announced on the Herald anywhere. I was attempting to reopen an account, and instead of getting the normal screen that pops up off the server page, this website popped up for DAoC Master Account management: Is this genuine, or is there a problem here? I don't want to re-open this account until I know for sure, thanks!

A. Ahhh a question that I can answer: Yes, it is genuine. The website is our new account center. Welcome back to Camelot!


Are you heading over to the Penny Arcade Expo also known as PAX? Well that also happens to be the weekend the Camelot Road Trip will be in Seattle, Washington. Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 30th and stop by and say hello, we would love to see you there! I'll be there along with the Blonde Gremlin to answer your questions, give out prizes and free snacks! Please make sure you RSVP .

I hear many of you are having a great time with the new doppelganger invasion out in the frontiers. To give you a little nudge in the right direction on how the quests work, we posted a new guide to help you along your doppelganging path.

Yesterday we put up 1.95c on Pendragon and while there are many formidable changes there is one that seems to have sparked the most interest - the increase of the realm timer. With so much discussion about this so far, we want to hear from you. Please take a moment and send us some Feedback and let us know what you think of the realm timer changes.

Well I can officially say that this has been one crazy week. There just didn't seem to be enough hours in the day. With that being said, have a great weekend everyone and don't forget to enjoy the Extra Zone Bonuses ! See y'all on Monday.


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