Reports from the Realms

More realm reports:
Mayor Palastram
June 13th 
Weekly status report

A strange visitor arrived at Ludlow Tower recently. One of the Stonecrush Ogres has come to speak with Elia, and request the aid of Albion. He is somewhat primitive, but it sounds as if his homeland of Grimspound has suffered ravages similar to those that so recently crippled our own town. The tragedy is that their siege seems to be constant, with dragon attacks occurring daily. When I think of the pain a single attack caused us, I feel for these people. I think we should make an effort to help.

The ogre here says they have an emissary by the name of Koz waiting for any message we might send back. I hope we can spare a few men to look into this further.

Letter Home from Kiaja
June 13th
Svarhamr, Malmohus

I am making good progress. I think I’m really starting to earn Raxnathor’s trust, and with that the rest of the Dragonbane Svartalf are opening up to me. Svarhamr is the best link we have to our past, and there is a wealth of knowledge here. I have found much that we believed was lost to the ages, lore from the time when Frostalf and Svartalf were one and the same.  All the tales of our people before the great divide are here, preserved in memory and in legend. It may take me a lifetime to record it all, but for now I’m focusing on something vital to the survival of all the races of Midgard. I believe that by learning the history of our people’s struggle against Gjalpinulva and the Drakulv we may well learn their weaknesses. Perhaps our new friends can help us defeat the shadow hanging over our land.

Note from Lobias to Harris MacCullogh
June 13th
Tir na Nog

I have been doing additional research on Sheeroe, as you requested; trying to make sense of the various reports. Our own scouts describe strange crystals and glowing villages appearing out of the dark everywhere. There is nothing like it in any of the recent maps or reports, but I have found some mention of the haunted towns of Sheeroe in our oldest histories. It is strange to hear of them again, when it seemed they were only legend.. I believe Cuuldurach is restoring and strengthening his hold on the land, and deepening the magic there. The Azure say he makes passes over the hills, but he doesn’t return to his lair – he may be finishing the spell even now. If possible, I would like you to find some volunteers to investigate further. It may be possible to ally ourselves with the Azure, but trusting them as our only source of information is unwise.


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