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Posts: 12
World of Warcraft March 2005 - currently Server- Earthen Ring: 70 Female Dwarf Holy Priest [Main] 375 JC/Mining 69 Female Gnome Frost Mage 347 Ench/ 364 Shadoweave Tailor 66 Female Human Demonology Warlock 375 Alch/ Herb 66 Female Nightelf Marksman Hunter 340+ LW/ Skin 64 Female Gnome Warrior 350+ Gnome Engineer/ 300+ Mining 52 Female Tauren Shaman 290+ Alch/ Herb 34 Female Undead Priest 225 Ench/ Tailor 34 Female Undead Rogue 190+/- Mining/ Blacksmith 29 Female Nightelf Druid 150+ LW/ Skin Server- Thorium Brotherhood: 68 Discipline Priest 300+ Tailor/ Ench Many other toons 10-30 Servers Frostmourne(PVP) and others DAOC November 2001 - March 2005 50 Warrior 50 Healer 50 Spiritmaster 50 Shaman 50 Berserker 50 Healer 50 Healer Many more toons 40+/- LGM WC, AC, SC, Fletcher, Tailor, JC GM Alchemist Many other crafters 500+/- Main: 50 Firbolg Hero <Greensand> Guild: OMGWTFBBQ Trade: Weaponcrafter Server: Hibernia Palomides EQ (2001) Ranger - Leryene Druid - Conwen