Category:Inquisitor (LoN Card Set)  

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Inquisitor, the third card set for the Legends of Norrath VTCG, was released on March 7th, 2008.


Chapter 1: Journey Into Kunark

At the Sanctum of The Tribunal, you are briefed by The Seventh Hammer. Impressed with your success against Chaos Overlords, he has a new task for you. You are to become an Inquisitor, empowered to put the question to those who have become Forsworn. He supplies a list of four wrongdoers in Kunark, and your instructions are simple: Force them to renounce their allegiance to Chaos and once again swear oath to Order... or destroy them. He warns you that Chaos Masters have been spotted and may try to frustrate your efforts.

Chapter 2: Putting the Question

You begin in earnest your mission to confront the four Forsworn Kunark. Along the way, you find help from other Oathbound servants of the Tribunal.

Chapter 3: Masters of Chaos

You have completed your grim task as Inquisitor. Before you can return to The Seventh Hammer with your report, you must run a gauntlet of Chaos Masters.

  • Scenario 10: Mistress of Verse - With Kul'tak dispatched, you face once again the Mistress of Verse and her Elven army.

Continue questing with Oathbreaker.

Legends of Norrath

This page last modified 2008-09-02 04:47:50.

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