So far my experience with this place has been with a 43 BA BD, everything conned green except the final boss who was blue.
One of the basic rules of IDs is that it doesn't spawn new creatures. This one breaks that rule magnificently. On a very rigid schedule, this dungeon spawns new creatures, and these creatures come hunting you. For the most part, they seem to come in groups between 1 and 3 mobs in size throughout the spawning, which I believe is just a function of how far away you are from the various Magical Portals.
Throughout the dungeon there are neutral aligned Magical Portal creatures. They are worth no experience, and don't seem to fight back, and their spawn locations seem to be slightly random. However they are the spawn points for the new mobs that come out to get you, which includes melee, casters, and healers. So if you kill the Magical Portals, in theory you should gradually slow down the perpetual influx of mobs.
Here's the reality as far as I can tell though: At some point you will get swarmed. Maybe not a problem if you bring in a PBAOE happy group, or if you bring in a decent sized group. But who runs IDs with parties? On every attempt (4 now) at some point I got absolutely smothered by mobs, even after I had already cut down every Magical Portal I could find. On my latest attempt, I had methodically killed every portal I had found, although I didn't go down the ladders in the upper portion (BD pets and ladders = lost pets), and in the end I was near the final boss (named Grand Summoner of the Blackmane). However, at that time, I got absolutely zerged...and I mean ZERGED by approximately 20 (I am not exaggerating) green con mobs. If I had 2 PBAOE bombers in the group it might have been interesting...but I didn't, I had me and 3 pets. We got slaughtered. I was right near one of the exit points of the dungeon so I ran for it, I opened the door with 5 green mobs hitting me, walked into it...and through it, and back out and through it again and out and back and out and back. Approximately 6 attempts to enter the doorway portal before the door shut on me while I was inside, and since I had 2 mobs inside with me and 3 more on the outside still, I couldn't even click on the door to try to open it again...and 5 seconds later I was releasing. So maybe that exit door near the final boss isn't functional until you finish the ID.
The dungeon drops quite a few different aurulite types, but the drop ratio is terrible. I felt like I was getting about a 7.5% drop rate for aurulite.
Anyway, that was my experience with this place, it seems like it might be an interesting place for a duo PBAOE group to go, I don't know what it's like at lower levels (listed as 34-38 level ID) and whether the green con mobs I faced become blue/yellow or worse if you fall in that range.