
Realm: Hibernia
Type: Undead
Drops violet diamond, green diamond, and blue diamond gems.
Attack Type: Slash
Body Type: FU
Aggro Range: 99
Aggro Chance: Medium
Speed: 188
Attack Speed: 3.80
Minimum Level: 58
Maximum Level: 60
Known Habitats:
   Cursed Forest
Known Loot:
Lowers Faction with:
  • Seelie Court
  • Last Updated: Tue Jul 26 00:40:24 2011
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    Exp Ya, Loot Ya
    # May 27 2003 at 2:36 PM Rating: Default
    The fins in breifine are now on the random item generator and they primarily drop caster items. +mana, +light lvl 50 items are common. All cloth armor, staves, and accessiories drop here now.

    They still drop all the other loot they always have. These are excellent hunting.

    New Drops
    # May 20 2003 at 10:47 AM Rating: Default
    Has anyone gotten a heatbender dirk from a fin? I gotten that and a whole crap load of new stuff.

    Twizian of Percival
    Loot rare - but very expensive
    # Oct 29 2002 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
    Fins are also dropping toy stuff and diamants.
    Some of the stuff is over 12g worth. In total you can make a platin in one day game play with the strategy explained above.
    EXP yea Loot no
    # Aug 11 2002 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
    You can exp here from 45 all the way to 50. The loot really bites fair money only drop is a Hammer and thats only good for salvage. Normally always a group there on Bors 24/7 group so be ready for a list to get in there.

    To get to the Fins tree enter CF. Head towards East zone wall <to your left> watch for bears as you first come in. After going around bears follow zone wall to 57k x 24k. Roughly. There is a dead oak tree there and Fens span at a high rate there.

    Orey roams real close as do Grand Pookas but stay on north side of tree is best place. Normal Baf is 3-4. Exp ranges at lvl 48 35-40 Mil per pull of 3.

    STRATEGY: This is what works for us real well. Get three tanks and 2 Elds <mana> pull Fins then pull them in a group together have Elds go in them and cast PBAOE and in seconds they all are dead all you have to do is loot. Best to have Warden there for PBT but use your own discretion.

    If you wander to far solo highly aggro areas are around but this is prime spot to lvl to 50. Really only room enough for one group here that is why i said be ready for a list.

    Good Luck and Happy Hunting see you in the Epic Lands
    RE: EXP yea Loot no
    # Apr 29 2003 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
    3 posts
    yea, i think there is a list going on all servers. there is one on MLF too that is, its a long wait! But definately worth it, each pull might not be the best XP you'd ever have, but its constantly pulling, never stops!
    Gixa, 60 Human Mage
    Alliance/Ravencrest (EU)
    EXP yea Loot no
    # Aug 11 2002 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
    You can exp here from 45 all the way to 50. The loot really bites fair money only drop is a Hammer and thats only good for salvage. Normally always a group there on Bors 24/7 group so be ready for a list to get in there.

    To get to the Fins tree enter CF. Head towards East zone wall <to your left> watch for bears as you first come in. After going around bears follow zone wall to 57k x 24k. Roughly. There is a dead oak tree there and Fens span at a high rate there.

    Orey roams real close as do Grand Pookas but stay on north side of tree is best place. Normal Baf is 3-4. Exp ranges at lvl 48 35-40 Mil per pull of 3.

    STRATEGY: This is what works for us real well. Get three tanks and 2 Elds <mana> pull Fins then pull them in a group together have Elds go in them and cast PBAOE and in seconds they all are dead all you have to do is loot. Best to have Warden there for PBT but use your own discretion.

    If you wander to far solo highly aggro areas are around but this is prime spot to lvl to 50. Really only room enough for one group here that is why i said be ready for a list.

    Good Luck and Happy Hunting see you in the Epic Lands

    Edited, Sun Aug 11 07:21:52 2002
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