Silksteel Astral Tunic of Virulence (Mid) (old) (nld)  

Trials of Atlantis expansion Required
Requires Skill: Armor: Cloth
(Berserker, Bonedancer, Healer, Hunter, Mauler (Mid), Mystic, Rogue (Midgard), Runemaster, Savage, Seer, Shadowblade, Shaman, Skald, Spiritmaster, Thane, Valkyrie, Viking, Warlock, Warrior)
Armor Factor:51
Magical Bonuses:
  Constitution: 21 pts
  Piety: 21 pts
  ALL Magic Skills: +3
Item Bonuses:
  Casting Speed: 2%
  Dexterity attribute cap: 7
  Power Pool: 7%
Armor Modifiers:
  Base Factor: 51
  Quality: 100%
  Condition: 100%
Starting Condition:100%
Starting Duration:100%
Default Bonus:35%
Weight:2.00 lbs
Bonus Level:42

Levels of Use:50 - 50
Level Req:50
Level of Proc:50
Rarity:No Longer Dropped
Last Updated: Feb 6 02:54:16 2011
This item is dropped off monsters:
Found in:

Magical Ability:
Function: defensive proc
Target: Group
Range: 1500
Duration: 2:0 min
Casting time: 3.0 sec


Function: Damage-over-time

Inflicts damage to the target repeatedly over a given period of time.

Damage per tick: 32
Target: Targetted
Range: 300
Duration: 20sec
Frequency: 4.0sec
Casting time: instant
Damage: Spirit

Picture for Silksteel Astral Tunic of Virulence (Mid) (old) (nld)

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