Regal Sleeves  

Requires Skill: Armor: Leather
(Acolyte, Armsman, Cleric, Fighter, Friar, Infiltrator, Mauler (Alb), Mercenary, Minstrel, Paladin, Rogue (Albion), Scout)
Armor Factor:98
Armor Absorb:10
Magical Bonuses:
  Strength: 13 pts
  Constitution: 13 pts
  Quickness: 13 pts
  Cold Resist: 6%
Armor Modifiers:
  Base Factor: 98
  Absorption: 10%
  Quality: 93%
  Condition: 100%
Starting Condition:100%
Starting Duration:100%
Default Bonus:30%
Weight:1.40 lbs
Bonus Level:23

Level to Attain:48
Levels of Use:48 - 50
Last Updated: Jul 13 20:14:07 2009
Submitted by: Daivana

This item is dropped off monsters

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