Shimmering Nesnuir's Staff  

Slot:Two Hand
Shrouded Isle expansion Required
Weapon Skill:Staff
Requires Class:Bonedancer
Damage Type:Crush
Magical Bonuses:
  Dexterity: 19 pts
  Piety: 19 pts
Focus Bonuses:
  Bone Army: +50 lvls
Item Bonuses:
  Power Pool: 12%
Magical Ability:
  Function: Health Regen
  Value: 52
  Target: Self
  Duration: 20 sec
  Cast Time: instant
Damage Modifiers:
  Base DPS: 16.20
  Quality: 95%
  Condition: 100%
Starting Condition:100%
Starting Duration:100%
Default Bonus:35%
Weight:4.50 lbs
Bonus Level:37

Levels of Use:50 - 50
Level Req:50
Last Updated: Apr 27 01:18:52 2010
Submitted by: Kapteeni

This item is dropped off monsters

Found in:

Per 1.64 Patch Notes:
- Nesnuir's Staff (Midgard) has had the intelligence bonus replaced with a piety bonus.

Per patch 1.87 (01.11.07)
- All items which previously had +power have been converted to have Power Pool %. Please note this does not affect Randomly Generated Objects (ROG) or crafted items.

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