Crocodile Tear Ring  

Start Zone: Oceanus Boreal
Start NPC:Cynere
Trials of Atlantis expansion Required
Related Zones:
Min Level:46
Max Level:50
Grants XP:No
Grants Coin:No
Related NPCs:
  Naxos Ambusher
  Naxos Darkbringer
  Naxos Marrow Mage
  Naxos Rymester
  Naxos Skulker
  Naxos Tetrarch
Related Items:
  Tyrus's Epic Poem, part 1 of 3
  Tyrus's Epic Poem, part 2 of 3
  Tyrus's Epic Poem, part 3 of 3
  Tyrus's Epic Poem
Last Updated:Sun Mar 29 19:16:32 2009
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different

Per patch 1.68:

- Up until now, the Crocodile's Tear Ring has been inadvertently granted to healing classes - the NPC who creates the artifact does not include healing classes in his text dialog, but accepts the artifact pieces anyways. The classes who fall into this category are: Clerics, Friars, Healers, Shaman, Wardens, and Druids. This has led to some balance problems with some healing classes' spells combined with the level 10 ability of that artifact. Instead of removing the Crocodile Tear Ring totally from these classes, we are giving them the chance of keeping the ring, but the level 10 ability for that artifact will not be available for those classes.

Below is the begining information for the Artifact Crocodile's Tears Ring, if you know more information please send it in.

Sage Linyive says:
I have found conflicting stories regarding the Crocodile's Tears Ring and its powers. I have found a few stories that tell of it being kept by the sobekites. Everything else I've found indicates that the Ring is most likely with the crocodiles in Oceanus Boreal. Which is true? I do not know, although I am inclined to believe the stories about it being with the crocodiles.

The Crocodile's Tears Ring can be found in the center of the 3 Crocodile Islands in Oceanus Boreale, mobs name is Cynere.

Item is mentioned to be for minstrels and bards.

Tyrus' Epic Poems, 1 of 3 -- dropped from a Skyros Tidal warrior, Naxos Rymester and a Naxos tetrarches in Mesothalassa

Tyrus' Epic Poems, 2 of 3 -- dropped from a Naxos Ambusher and Naxos skulkers in Mesothalassa

Tyrus' Epic Poems, 3 of 3 -- dropped from a Naxos marrow mage and Naxos darkbringer in Mesothalassa

Ring can be used by casters and music classes.

(Earns exp: Slaying any enemies during fog, rain or snow)
Artifact also levels from RvR and mobs in Shrouded Isles Outdoors, as per patch 1.71.

rate artifact gains a level when killing Mobs: 46M per 1%.

  Crocodile Tear Ring

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# Nov 15 2005 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
50 thane and 50 skald + bb can kill Cynere
# Feb 20 2004 at 3:06 AM Rating: Good
23 posts
Cynere can be killed by 1 group, or by a good half group. Go to any one of the three crocodile islands and start killing the baby crocs (yel/blue to 50). If cycere is spawned, this will anger her and she will come to you, bringing a few oj crocs. Mez cynere and take out the adds first. It will take you quite a few tries to get the ring to drop, but she respawns fairly quickly (five minutes to an hour, averaging about twenty minutes).

Important: if you are a full group or less, do not chase her or go looking for her in the water between the islands. It is full of oj crocs and you will get overwhelmed. Just keep killing the babies, she will come if she's out there.
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