Tuesday October 30, 2007

Tuesday night update:

New Albion Items: Tanned Barely Torn Gloves (Alb)Beartooth Pendant of AlacrityBeartooth Pendant of PowerBeartooth Pendant of MightLinen Barely Torn Robe (Alb)Smoky Black GemMatte Black GemGlittering Black GemGlossy Black GemWoolen Slightly Torn Boots (Alb)

New Albion Mobs: Red Dwarf RaiderGuard AlgorGoblin RaiderEnchanter Fialla

New Albion Quests: Haskis' DilemmaShadows in the NightLocating the PaychestSign of Things to ComeEvicting the SquattersDirty DeedsFreshly Exhumed Evil

Updated Albion Items: Linen Worn Pants (Alb)Beartooth CharmTanned Barely Torn Pants (Alb)Linen Barely Torn Boots (Alb)Iron Barely Torn Boots (Alb)Raiders BladeRusty Tinderbox (Alb)Rawhide Slightly Torn Vest (Alb)
Updated Hibernia Items: Linen Barely Torn Boots (Hib)Linen Barely Torn Robe (Hib)
Updated All Items: Protector's Pendant of SubtletyProtector's Pendant of TemperanceProtector's Pendant of ControlProtector's Pendant of Fortitude Protector's Charm of SubtletyProtector's Charm of TemperanceProtector's Charm of ControlProtector's Charm of FortitudeProtector's Band of TemperanceProtector's Band of SubtletyProtector's Band of ControlProtector's Band of FortitudeDull Black GemWeak Elixir of SpeedWeak Elixir of PowerWeak Elixir of EnduranceWeak Elixir of Healing

Updated Albion Mobs: CutpursePhyllis DarkskyHaskis MordooDwarf RaiderKeenar WoedinBouncer CorwinYoung CutpurseArgus BowmanShambling SkeletonGraham Mal'toiniaRecently Exhumed

Updated Albion Quests: Dunan's Bear ToothArgus's Arrows


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