Servers Are Up!

A few hot fixes went in with today's downtime, check 'em out:

- The Belt of the Sun /use2 ability will once again function properly. This corrects an issue where it was failing to go off in all zones instead of only failing in housing and the capital cities.

- The Mauler taunt “Irreverent Gesture” is now being awarded to Maulers at level 1. This corrects an issue, where the Mauler class would lose the skill upon logging off the character.

- Players will no longer encounter problems when attempting to log into the tutorial zones while using the Catacombs client.

- We've decided to delay the housing repossession system for condemned houses to make additional adjustments. Players will still note that affected houses will have timers attributed to them, but the system has been turned off so that the houses will not be repossessed.

Please note:

If you are on an Active account in-game, and your home is showing a Condemned door, please appeal in game. Please appeal from the account that owns the home. Classify your appeal as Emergency, and make sure to note the Lot Number-Server of the home, and ask to have the door removed from your home.


/appeal Hello there! The home owned on this account, Lot100-Gareth, is showing a Condemned door. I’m on an active account, please help!

If you are a Rank 0 character of a Guild which has a guild hall with a Condemned door, please appeal in game as well. Please make your guild aware that you’re filing an appeal on behalf of your guild, as multiple appeal for the same home with actually slow down the contact time for you. Classify your appeal as Emergency, and make sure to note the Lot Number-Server of the home, and please appeal from a Rank 0 character of the guild.


/appeal Heyas! I am a Rank 0 for the guild . Our guild hall, Lot1400-Lancelot, is showing a Condemned door. Please help!

Customer Support now has the ability to make the server check the status of your account (while still *not * having access to your Billing information ourselves) and remove the Condemned door if the account is active. We will gladly do so to remove the door from your home if it is wrongfully showing as Condemned


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