1.99 is Now on Pendragon

The framework for character transfers has made its way to the Pendragon server for testing. Check out these 1.99 release notes for the test server:


This version of Pendragon contains a lot of the character transfer work that's been going on behind the scenes. We'll be working with the Knights in the coming days to test the various parts that we've put up.  For now, only the Knights will be able to take part in testing.

With this version comes two major parts:

- The "/freexfer" command, which allows you to transfer your character to servers enabled to receive transfers

- The guild transfer commands, "/gc packhouse" and "/gc transfer", which will allow a guild leader to pack a house for transferring it to a new server, and to pack a guild for transfer with the player to the new server.

Destination servers for the "/freexfer" command will be enabled starting next week.

We will be expanding on and refining these tools going forward.

For example, guild auto-promotion for guilds with lapsed leaders will need to be working properly before the guild commands can be put into place, and we are also working on the mechanism for resolving naming conflicts.  However, this first step allows the Knights to help us test the infrastructure to make sure that the basics of character and guild transfers work properly.


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