1.99c is Now on Pendragon

The final touches to Guild Transfers has gone up on the Pendragon test server in patch 1.99c. Check out the patch notes below, and see what is coming to a server near you next Wednesday, September 9th, when this long awaited patch hits the live servers!


 - The "/gc transfer" command no longer kicks everyone out of the guild. Instead, it leaves the guild in a state where it cannot invite new players and cannot invite other guilds into an alliance or be invited into an alliance. It can also not have a house transferred to it in this state.

 - Your guild name is now transferred with you when you use the "/gc transfer" command.

 - Transferred guilds can now be reformed with as few as two people in your group.

 - Added support to transfer consignment vaults.

 - The house repossession process now collects the consignment merchant object and all hookpoint objects.

 - The "/gc packhouse" command now properly packs the guild consignment merchant when issued.



 - All spells now take advantage of resistance debuffs.

 - Melee critical hits are capped at 50% extra damage against pets.

 - Players can no longer cast spells while being grappled.

 - If a player is sprinting their pets will now also sprint to keep up with them.

 - Casting debuffs on mesmerized pets will no longer break the mesmerize spell.

 - When a pet hits a player with a hit buffer, the pet's controller will be informed of how much damage was absorbed by the buffer.

 - Shadowstrike will now always perform a style after being used.

 - Pulsing realm abilities such as Speed of Sound will no longer be interrupted by other forms of pulsing abilities.

 - Fixed an issue that was causing realm abilities to be overwritten by regular chant abilities. If the player is pulsing 2 realm abilities, and tries to pulse a regular ability, then the player is notified and the spell fails.

 - Haste and damage add songs will no longer break Speed of Sound.

 - Negative Maelstrom now properly increases the amount it dealt over time.

 - Players can now receive secondary realm points for healing Necromancer pets.

 - Charmed monsters that cast spells will no longer repeatedly try to buff Vampiirs.


 - Realm abilities which increase your chance to get a critical hit are no longer counted twice for bomber pets when casting Damage over time spells.


 - Ferocious Will now displays the correct information when delved.


 - The delve for the Blade Barrier ability now displays the correct information.


 - The Summon Mastery master level ability will now only work on the Commander pet.

 - The Juggernaut realm ability will now only work on the Commander pet.


 - When Sputin's Legacy procs due to a spell, the attacker will no longer have his attack timer reset to 5. This was preventing spellcasters from being able to cast for 5 seconds after attacking the Healer.


 - Spell range equipment bonuses now properly extend to necromancer pets.

 - Realm abilities which increase your chance to get a critical hit are no longer counted twice for Necromancer pets when casting Damage over time spells.

 - Necromancers will now receive realm points for healing other players when using Champion Level healing spells.


 - Shield of Immunity now interacts with archery correctly.


 - Chain Lightning now has a 25% chance of targetting a pet while 75% of the time it will target a player.  If a player can't be found then it now goes back and tries to find a pet again.

 - Additional targets of Chain Lightning will now display a spell effect after the original target is hit.


 - Charge no longer negates the Minion Rescue stun cast by pets summoned by Minion Rescue.



Item Notes

 - (Pendragon Only) Material stores now properly display prices again.


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