Wednesday September 22, 2010

DAoC Update

Updated Albion Items: Recruit's Necklace of InsightLuminous Shard of GrovewoodLuminous Sable Gloves of DementiaVest of the LostRecruit's Silver BracerDuskwood Petrified Tentacle Staff (Alb)Swarm Caller's LuteFire Thorn VestSleeves of Vigilant PowerGloves of Vigilant PowerPants of Vigilant PowerGauntlets of Intrepid SoulsSleeves of Intrepid SoulsChausses of Intrepid SoulsHabergeon of Intrepid SoulsExalted Divination SleevesExalted Divination PantsExalted Divination GlovesCrown of the TenaciousCuirass of the TenaciousCuirass of the Undaunted
Updated Midgard Items: Feral Wulf CapWitchtorn GlovesGem of Underworld Strength (Mid)Black Silksteel CloakRuned Orm Voodoo Bone StaffArcanium Storm Struck FangGlaring Shroud Staff
Updated Hibernia Items: Gem of Underworld Strength (Hib)Recruit's Empathic RingMist Shrouded LegsIvy Entwined GlovesIvy Entwined PantsIvy Entwined SleevesMoonlight GlovesMoonlight PantsMoonlight SleevesMistbound GlovesMistbound PantsMistbound Sleeves
Updated All Items: River Sniper BracerDuskwood Magus Staff of the Chasm

Updated Albion Mobs: Skeletal DruidessMercenary Tomb RaiderGremlinBrownie Nomad Ancient
Updated Midgard Mobs: Arachite HuskerSvartalf Arbetare

Updated Albion Quests: Rest for the Dead (Epic 9)

Updated Hibernia Weapon Styles: Ice StormHurricaneSolar Flare


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