Patch 1.107 Comes to Pendragon - 10/14/2010

Patch 1.107 Comes to Pendragon

Thursday afternoon the Pendragon server will be brought down to bring the 1.107 patch out for testin:

We will be bringing the Pendragon Public Test Server offline tomorrow, 10/14/2010, at 2:00 PM EDT (18.00 CET) to deploy the first version of Patch 1.107. At this time we anticipate that Pendragon will be back online no later than 6:30 PM EDT (00.30 CET). As always, please be sure to check the Herald for updates regarding this downtime.

Highlights from this Pendragon version include:

  • Savages are now able to train the "Charge" Realm Ability
  • Several dungeons have had item drops improved

Please be sure to read the full Pendragon Public Test Patch notes!

Thank you for your continued support.


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