Wednesday November 21, 2007

Today's update helpers are: Jeorr of Igraine (2 new Alb quests!!), Thaals Mythic (2 new Mid items & other goodies!), and RickM. Thanks so much fella's for your send-in's!

Alrighty gang, this is the last update for the week as it is Thanksgiving time here in the US.  I hope everyone has a fantastic, fun and safe Thanksgiving Holiday, I'll see ya on Monday! And now for today's update:

New Midgard Items: Conquering Shaman Night SmasherGjalpinulva's Claw (classic)
New Hibernia Items: Copper Moonstone FlaggonCoral Helm
New Hibernia Mobs: Spraggonet
New Albion Quests: Ice Horse Quest (Alb)Earth Horse Quest (Alb)
New Hibernia Spells: Nature's InvigorationNature's UpliftNature's ExhilerationSwift ReconstitutionCure DiseaseCure Poison

Updated Midgard Items: Basalt Bow of Bedlam (Mid)
Updated Hibernia Items: Golden Damask GlovesWaterproof Tinderbox (Hib)Shimmering Shield of Stormy VengeanceDweomer RifterLuminescent Sickle of the UnicornFootman PendantWorn Dark Guardian LeggingsSkinner's Gloves (Reinforced)Meager Tinderbox (Hib)Captain PendantCoral Boots
Updated All Items: Earth Horse VoucherIce Horse Voucher

Updated Albion Mobs: KelinRoyal Stable Master (Alb)Quartermaster Mills
Updated Midgard Mobs: Anya VinsdottirGjalpinulva
Updated Hibernia Mobs: SpraggoncleSheevra SkirmisherUafas CapallSheevra MinerLarge Eirebug WarriorSheevra SwordsmanMerman

Updated Albion Quests: Undead Horse Quest (Alb)Storm Horse Quest (Alb)
Updated Midgard Quests: Basic Horse QuestDragonslayer Weapon (Mid)
Updated Hibernia Quests: Copper Moonstone Flaggon -- Kill TaskAlastriona's Chest

Updated Hibernia Spells: Nature's TokenNature's FavorNature's GiftLesser Nature's TokenLesser Nature's FavorLesser Nature's GiftSolar ResuscitationSolar RegrowthSolar RegenerationSolar AbsorptionSolar ConversionLesser ReconstitutionMajor ApotheosisMajor RenascenceMajor ResuscitationMajor RestorationMajor RegrowthMajor RegenerationMajor RevivalMajor ResurganceMinor ReconstitutionGroup ApotheosisGroup RenascenceGroup RegrowthGroup RevigorationRenewalApotheosisRenascenceResuscitationRegrowthRegenerationRevivalResurganceRevivificationMinor ApotheosisMinor RenascenceMinor RegrowthMinor RegenerationMinor RevivalMinor ResurganceMinor RevivificationMinor RenewalMinor Revigoration

Updated Factions: EmpyreansDraoi DorchaSiabrasCurmudgeons


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