Monday March 24, 2008

Todays update helpers: Boudicca (15 new Mid items & other Mid goodies!) and Meri of Bedevere, for their send-ins this past weekend. Thanks so much you two!!

New Midgard Items: Victorious Skald Night SmasherVictorious Skald Night SlayerVictorious Skald Night CleaverConquering Skald Night SmasherConquering Skald Night SlayerConquering Skald Night CleaverDragonbane SwordDragonbane Stave (Mid)Dragonbane Great Sword (Mid)Dragonbane Great AxeDragonbane AxeDragonbane Great Hammer (Mid)Dragonbane Arch HammerDragonbane GreaveDragonbane Fist Wrap (Mid)
New Hibernia Items: Bracer of of Spun GoldCath Phantom Gloves

New All Mobs: Baln Fanatic

Updated Albion Items: Dragonbane Great Hammer (Alb)
Updated Midgard Items: Gjalpinulva TrophyEnduring Night WardMidgard Cloak of Might
Updated Hibernia Items: Worm TipperHammer of Intricate DesignsNightguard JewelCunnart GemStately Elven MantleDealrach Oraiste JewelCorran ScytheWave Embellished BracerMoss-Colored GemSong of the SpectreLeprechaun's Staff of the ShriekThunder Shadow RingArcanite Astral Wrap of ImpedanceBasalt Shield of Oblivion (Hib)Arcanite Corroded SpearDragonbane Great Sword (Hib)
Updated All Items: Duskwood Astral Mauler Staff of SwarmsExquisite Infernal Jewel of BruisingDaemon Diamond SealFiery Diamond SealPerfected Armor PatternRegarding Shades, 2 of 3

Updated Midgard Mobs: Streya
Updated Hibernia Mobs: Phantom WickermanSiabra Raider
Updated All Mobs: Gatekeeper DommelEarl OraxusDuke ZeporHigh Lord SaeorEarl Zh'alzhakMarquis ChaosmarDuke AypolDuke AllocTaur Purphoros

Updated Albion Quests: Barnett's Shield
Updated Midgard Quests: Dragonslayer Weapon (Mid)Dragonslayer
Updated Hibernia Quests: Reprisal (Epic 5)Setting Sail


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