Monday September 15, 2008

New Albion Items: Arcanium Naxos's Tidal Trident ; Arcanium Great Sword of the Chasm ; Slaver Axe

Updated Albion Items: Vile Impactor ; Salisbury Sword ; Mace of the Cherub ; Dragonsworn Claymore ; Dragonsworn Shortbow (Alb) ; Barbed Whip of Reanimation ; Embossed Bone Gladius ; Shimmering Fiery Headsman's Axe ; Shimmering Solemn Destroyer ; Powder Maker ; Arcanium Laodameia's Chain ; Demonic Longbow of Descension ; Arcanium War Pick of the Depths ; Arcanium Heavy Antalya Truncheon (Alb) ; Arcanium Naxos's Tidal Mace ; Arcanium Melos's Wave Mace (Alb) ; Arcanium Sobekhotep's Morning Star ; Lament of Dartmoor ; Dragonsworn Hammer (Alb) ; Brilliant Void-Wrought Pain Staff ; Arcanium Mace of the Zenith ; Arcanium Military Fork of the Depths ; Lion Faced Shield ; Rib Displacer ; Arcanium Lucerne Hammer of the Gale ; Rusted Exhaust Pipe ; Domo's Scorching Blade (Alb) ; Onyx-tipped Cat o' Nine Tails ; Crescent Pick ; Dragonsworn Bladed Whip ; Arcanium Mace of Blood ; Ancient Brass Rapier ; Dragonsworn Long Sword ; Arcanium Hammer of Devastation (Alb) ; Arcanium Storm Struck Mace ; Arcanium Sea Rotted Sword (Alb) ; Mace of the Watery Underground ; Spectral Soul Anchor ; Vengeance of Deliah ; Arcanium Trident of the Pure (Alb) ; Arcanium Flail of the Tainted ; Arcanium Sword of Ruination (Alb) ; Squib Hammer (Alb) ; Virulent Soul Sapper ; Barken's Devil Touched Staff ; Arcanium Desert Venom Flogger ; Tormented Trance Dagger ; Dragonsworn War Staff (Alb) ; Duskwood Breath of the Wind (Alb) ; Kobold's Dirk of Expertise ; Dragonsworn Flail ; Arcanium Whirlwind Saracen Glaive ; Dragonsworn Fist Wrap (Alb) ; Buckler of Defense ; Arcanium Stone Bone Grinder (Alb) ; Brimstone Great Hammer of Bedlam ; Dragonsworn Barbed Whip ; Cailiondar Mace ; Huge Sharpened Boar Tusk ; Cursed Crypt Pole Axe ; Shimmering Grim Impaler ; Shimmering Halberd of the Covetous ; Worn Asterite Lucerne Hammer ; Dragonsworn Lucerne Hammer ; Dragonsworn Pike ; Squib Warhammer (Alb) ; Sarel Sebian Smasher ; Dragonsworn Great Hammer (Alb) ; Worn Asterite Great Hammer ; Worn Asterite Mattock
Updated Hibernia Items: Arcanite Cyclopean Cloud Chaser
Updated All Items: Duskwood Rod of Kepa ; Obscurauto's Wrap

Updated Albion Mobs: Stonecrush Excavator ; Slave Master ; Granite Giant Stoneshaper
Updated All Mobs: Naxos Tidal Lord ; Daehien


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